Sanibel Lemon Shark
Nice job man. That looks like west gulf drive somewhere. i was just there the end of may and landed a 6ft 4" lemon myself. Congfrats on a sweet fish!
Thanks for all the readers and comments. KEEP FISHING HARD!!!!!
Sanibel special. I stayed at the same hotel last year and got zip after a big storm. Congrats!!
Nice job jeremia !!!
So how did the rod work?
So how did the rod work?
Keith, I can't think of any other words other than THANK YOU. Rod was great and felt good. As usual workmanship was great and service even better. Been meaning to call u and tell u the details. Thanks Again
Hey Jeremias,
Was most interested in hearing about how those roller guides worked. Was thinking about using them on the next rod I built. Oh, by the way, nice lemon!
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