Summertime Sharking
I take my annual trip to siesta key during the 4th of July. This is just about the only time I get the chance to shark fish. So far I'm not hearing great things about summertime sharking. What can I expect to catch during this time of the year in the Sarasota area.
I've got a Spinfisher 8500 with 65lb braid. I was considering tossing large mullet but it sounds like I might just get small 4 5ft Shark though. Would throwing out some Bonita possibly get a bit bigger sharks and could this reel handle it?

During the summer you can catch Hammers,blacktips,Lemons,Bull sharks,plenty of nurse sharks and an occasional Tiger.Summer is actually the best time of the year to catch sharks.If were you i'd be looking to purchase a 9/0 or bigger reel because if you happen to hook one of the big hammerheads that frequent that area you will be spooled more then likely.Good luck.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
During the summer you can catch Hammers,blacktips,Lemons,Bull sharks,plenty of nurse sharks and an occasional Tiger.Summer is actually the best time of the year to catch sharks.If were you i'd be looking to purchase a 9/0 or bigger reel because if you happen to hook one of the big hammerheads that frequent that area you will be spooled more then likely.Good luck.
Good to hear! Looking forward to using all the knowledge from this site on my second time out doing LBSF
The tarpon will be thick when you're here which means big bulls and hammers. There are tons of guys down here that will sell a 9/0 for $100 and a store down in Venice owned by Tim Martin who has like 20 9/0's for $100. Ladyfish are amazing bait for the area but mullet get picked up too. Good luck
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