Caught a nice sheepshead yesterday, my gf is frying up the filets now and I kept the head/carcass to put out as bait maybe Thursday. Anyone ever dropped off a sheepie before ? What did u catch ?
Sure, I've used it. Me and a buddy had a slow bite so we put out a variety of baits to see what the shark were hungry for. Ladyfish, bluefish, mullet and sheepshead. On that particular day, the sheepshead got hit and we dragged in an estimated 7 foot lemon shark (lost it to a line break JUST before it got to shore). So we switched out all the rest of the baits to sheepshead and got a few hookups from some 3 foot blacknose sharks. It turned the session from bad to great.
That was the only time I caught a shark on sheepshead, though.
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