Is this even a shark?
Saw this guy on a video and didn't know what it was.
found this it's kind of similar
looks like a big guitar fish which is technically a shark but could be in the ray family but ya its a shark
top one is a sand shark im pretty sure
bottom one is a type of nurse shark i believe theres over 26 diff types of nurse shark
ya stingrays and sharks are closely related and alot of types of exotic rays and sharks look mixed
angel shark
sand shark
It's called a Shark Ray (Rhina ancylostoma). It is currently classified w/ the rays, skates, guitarfish, etc.
cool picture with that one.....[the big one]
"I am the new Shark Slayer in town" such creature as "sand" shark....Sand Tiger and Sandbar, or Brown shark, yes. That is a guitarfish as previously pointed out. A member of the elasmobranch family. Cartilaginous bones.
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