Floating Bait Out
Hello all my wife, Dominique and myself have discovered a new method of floating bait out. We were experiencing trouble getting the balloon to pop or break off at the moment we wanted it to. Our new tatic is have a spool of light weight fishing line and tie it around the balloon as we deploy it. One person mans the bait and balloon on the shark rod and the other person mans the fishing line. When you get it where you want it to go the person manning the fishing line gives a nice yank and pulls the balloon off of the bait. Hope this helps someone because we have had a fit trying to figure it out.
i just use a long tag line when i tie my knot and tie the ballon to that and jerk back like im setting the hook and it pops off.
Land Based World Record #5 short fin Mako 700lbs
Land Based World Record #8 Tiger shark 928lbs
Land Based World Record #9 Tiger shark 949lbs
SFSC Panhandle Events Coordinator
Look at captinfincrazy!!! He has all the answers!
People People People...dont you know that it's all in the angle of the dangle?? Some of us use leaders up to 15 ft long & shark fish in some what shallow areas. If you secure your balloon to the swivel,your bait might end up dragging as you deploy & take twice as long to get out.. I have always set my balloon to my or by my trail hook,that way its some what close to the surface so the current & wind can do its job There are other posts on here that go a little more into detail about different methods we all have used with success. I think one posted was by "snook hunter"
Life savor hard candy's, tie a piece of 10lb mono from your swivel to the candy then again to your balloon, you have about 15 min before it comes off
Dan Tabtabai - 941-387-4110
if its a slow current your bait wont be that far in 15 minutes and i doubt it lasts fiftneen minutes
4-5 mint lifesavers will last me about 10-15 min sometimes less depending on bait size. Although, Ive always ballooned Skyway and Gandy or Desoto. I always tug em off early unless the tide is unusually slow. I have used like ten at a time though. Skyway and Gandy are usually pretty fast moving tides though, usually dont need many.
Go big Or go home!
You can use a kite release clip.
pull hard and the clip opens
-----------Just another opinion. FISH ON!!!----------
y dont u just keep the balloon on
just blow up the balloon up to a point were its bout to pop so when a shark hits and takes it under it will pop
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