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circle hooks vs J hooks

Eminent Member

Which hook is better for rigging bait ? Which is better for maintaining a good hook? And which is an overall better hook for sharks? Also what is the best size and brand?

Topic starter Posted : 08/08/2013 12:38 am
Trusted Member

Its all in personal preference. Some guys swear by circles, others by Js. In my opinion baits are a ton easier to rig with Js, but sometimes you guthook a shark if you don't get to it quick enough. But I think you get more hook ups with Js. Again, its kinda a personal preference and it will just take some trial and error to find what you like the best. Hope this helps


Posted : 08/09/2013 9:52 pm
Eminent Member

It did thank you for the help I think I am going to by me some more J hooks. That is what I had on my rig last year but wanted to get some opinions on which was better. And hear this and another reply on another site J's seem to be a more popular hook to the people who have replied. So thanks again.

Topic starter Posted : 08/09/2013 10:25 pm
Reputable Member

J's are more popular but IMO Circles are better. better hooksets and they don't bend straight. even though they are made of the same materials as J's the concept of the circle gives you a lip or corner hook 90% of the time and with all the force being applied to the bottom of the curve, rather than the point and upper part of the curve when a J hook sets into the side of a sharks mouth, its a straight pull on the shaft and they won't bend no matter how hard you pull.

Posted : 08/12/2013 8:34 pm
Estimable Member

Lately I've been doing J's on my 6/0 and spinning reel and when I have a decent sized bait I put a circle on my 9/0 as it's my biggest reel and my thoughts are to just let it run a while longer than with my J set ups... Haven't had that tested that yet though...Still waiting for something to get pick up the ray I always put out. I do know if you do like that you don't want to have your drag preset too high or you may just yank that hook completely out of their mouth with a circle.

"Saying something is impossible is 90% of the reason it's true.."

Posted : 12/14/2013 11:54 pm