Tarpon BAN
So now, we have this:
FWC Public Workshops:
Potential Rule Changes for the Tarpon and Bonefish Fisheries
Share your input on these important issues by participating in a workshop!
TOPIC: The purpose of these workshops is to gather public input on potential changes in the tarpon and bonefish rules to make them catch-and-release only fisheries throughout Florida’s state and federal waters.
Possible changes include:
· Eliminating the tarpon bag limit and allowing the harvest and possession of a single tarpon in conjunction with a tarpon tag only when in pursuit of an IGFA record
· Modifying the tarpon tag program, including reporting requirements and calendar year, and
· Discontinuing the bonefish tournament exemption permit that allows tournament anglers to temporarily possess bonefish for transport to a tournament scale.
TIME: 6-8 p.m. EDT
· April 1: St. Petersburg at Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, 100 Eighth Ave. S.E.
· April 2: Dania Beach at IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame and Museum, 300 Gulf Stream Way
· April 3: Key Colony Beach at City Hall, Mile Marker 53.5, 600 W. Ocean Drive
· April 8: Statewide webinar and telephone conference call. Visit MyFWC.com/Fishing/Saltwater/Rulemaking/Workshops.
For more information call the Division of Marine Fisheries Management at 850-487-0554.
Please feel free to distribute this flyer to others who may be interested in attending one of these workshops.
...i wonder - what's left to be discussed for banning?
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So now, we have this:
FWC Public Workshops:
Potential Rule Changes for the Tarpon and Bonefish Fisheries
Share your input on these important issues by participating in a workshop!
TOPIC: The purpose of these workshops is to gather public input on potential changes in the tarpon and bonefish rules to make them catch-and-release only fisheries throughout Florida’s state and federal waters.
Possible changes include:
· Eliminating the tarpon bag limit and allowing the harvest and possession of a single tarpon in conjunction with a tarpon tag only when in pursuit of an IGFA record
· Modifying the tarpon tag program, including reporting requirements and calendar year, and
· Discontinuing the bonefish tournament exemption permit that allows tournament anglers to temporarily possess bonefish for transport to a tournament scale.
TIME: 6-8 p.m. EDT
· April 1: St. Petersburg at Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, 100 Eighth Ave. S.E.
· April 2: Dania Beach at IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame and Museum, 300 Gulf Stream Way
· April 3: Key Colony Beach at City Hall, Mile Marker 53.5, 600 W. Ocean Drive
· April 8: Statewide webinar and telephone conference call. Visit MyFWC.com/Fishing/Saltwater/Rulemaking/Workshops.
For more information call the Division of Marine Fisheries Management at 850-487-0554.
Please feel free to distribute this flyer to others who may be interested in attending one of these workshops.
...i wonder - what's left to be discussed for banning?
I am sure the control freaks are all discussing it right now over a round of golf. Pretty soon the only things you will be allowed to do in this country is watch TV and work off the debt for the food and shelter provided to us by FEMA.
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
John 11:26 KJB 1611 AV

What's the need for a complete ban on Tarpon when Tarpon are more plentiful then the once wide schools of Herring/Sardines/Pilchards we used to see off our fishing piers.
Put a ban on the Herring,Sardines,pilchards they are almost the at the bottom of the food chain and sustain all the predators above not the Tarpon.Another ill conceived Law by clueless pencil pushers.These fishery laws should be passed based on solid science and facts. It's all about generating more money at a time when fishermen are less able to afford it and pushed along by the high powered politicians playing golf and laughing at us underrepresented fishermen.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
I agree with Will the tarpon are plentiful. No need for a full ban you can see schools of tarpon by the thousands It's ridiculous !!!!
2012 BTC 2nd Place Largest Shark
2012 January Sharker of The Month
2012 BHC 4th Place Largest Shark
2014 February Sharker of The Month
Hammer has always complained about the lack of baitfish... said there was a time when all you could see was bait for two miles down the beach in one big school. Now we have little patches and several baitless piers many days of the year.
P.S. careful talking about those golfers... I think there's a Getcha Getcha Golfer in the club
Just an average fisherman.
Hammer Is Right Once On Miami Beach The Bait Was So Thick You Could Almost Walk Across Them, Havent Seen That In Years, Even The Mullett Migrations Happen Later Every Year, So Many Things Changed, I Feel That Its O.k. To Moniter A Species For Conservation, But To Outright Say We Cant Take Them IS WRONG
Their Was A Time Not Long Ago That Researchers Would Ask Local Fisherman To Help Them, Now Politicians Want To Tell Fisherman You Cant Have Them
Hammer Is Right Once On Miami Beach The Bait Was So Thick You Could Almost Walk Across Them, Havent Seen That In Years, Even The Mullett Migrations Happen Later Every Year, So Many Things Changed, I Feel That Its O.k. To Moniter A Species For Conservation, But To Outright Say We Cant Take Them IS WRONG
Their Was A Time Not Long Ago That Researchers Would Ask Local Fisherman To Help Them, Now Politicians Want To Tell Fisherman You Cant Have Them
I agree!!
2012 BTC 2nd Place Largest Shark
2012 January Sharker of The Month
2012 BHC 4th Place Largest Shark
2014 February Sharker of The Month
To be fair, the politicians are only acting out the orders of the puppet masters which are large corporations, wealthy lobbyists, and the true filth of the world, the banking cartels. Politicians are nothing but talking heads carrying out the demands of these elitist scum who control every aspect of 'our' government. They want more control over what working citizens do because it is more profitable. So they will continue to chip away at your rights whether it be your right to keep a fish, or your right to arm yourself for protection against criminals. They want TOTAL control, and it is law abiding productive citizens who pay the most.
If they are so concerned about the tarpon population they would do away with that tournament they show on Espn. Many of those fish are mishandled and killed, then left to drown. But our laws are designed to restrict the masses, while the wealthy have no boundaries. There are 50 million Americans eating off EBT, with a true unemployment/underemployment rate much higher than what is told to us through media (to keep you under the impression things aren't so bad) but they are more worried about a damned fish than the well being of our population of humans.
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
John 11:26 KJB 1611 AV
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