Sharking from the Beach
Hi Guy's
I have just recently got myself a yak so i can start fishing the beaches for big Whalers and Hammers. We will be using baits between 2lb up to 8lb and what would be the best way to anchor them down once the baits have been paddled out? The whole sharkfishing off the Beach is new to me. Ive done plenty of landbased work from piers and rocks using a balloon but never really done it from the beach. All help with rigs etc would be greatly appreaciated
I saw a youtube video (blacktipH I think) about this.
They just used a piece of a cinder block and tied 20lb mono from it straight to the hook. It would cut right off on a bite.
What do you want to know?
Buy or make spider weights (you can google spider weights to get an idea) and either let them slide on your line like fishfinder rig or tie to swivel with light mono or even kite string if u want to be biodegradable but your weight wont degrade. Some guys use rocks they find on the beach and twine. Get creative!
Whatever you do, do it with a smile!
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