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Reel drag

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Honorable Member

Go big or go home. upgrade your weak links, grease your washers and hang on!!!!!

Heavy drags land big fish fast!

X2 ;) Ive always been a Senator guy but couldnt pass up a deal on a two speed Okuma Titus 50W spooled with 200lb Power pro. I just got a 6ft Sandbar on it and could not believe the drag this thing was capable of and how short the fight was compared to my usual 12/0 fights. I also discovered the damage an aluminum gimbal can do to my gut and hip bone :lol: (first fight stand up in a new spot without sand to plop down in and forgetting my belt) :lol: .

Will get ya every time!!!!!!!!

Posted : 04/10/2013 1:10 pm
Honorable Member

It makes me smile reading some people's post talking about okuma. When i first mention about 0kuma makaira in 2009 that is a better build then avents, on the pier, people they look at me like i'm an alien. Its interesting to see the evolution of people's mindset. Now what's even more interesting is when guys from blacktipchallenge are saying that they like more okuma makaira then avets on youtube.
I'm not a fan of any reel, but yet i'm a fan of a good designed reel, no matter what company designed it and where in the word.
Also, when i first mentioned about taping the shark hooks or using ht-100 with cals grease on some piers few years back, again - i looked like an Russian Mafioso, but yet again, i've seen more people doing it then 2-3 years back.
Now, i'm sure if i would mention that just by changing the pinon gear in that 12/0 with a solid cut one out from a 316 stainless steel it would bump the power on that reel 20lb extra - probably again, i would be look like being nuts. Maybe is better just to be quiet about it, but the reality is - it can be done. Its just a matter of custom manufacturing in bigger batches. I won't be surprised to see a competition on ebay for better designed stainless steel gears for 4/0s - they actually work, as long as are made from 316 version of stainless steel.
Did you guys remember that 9.5ft hammerhead landed on a 4/0 penn reel? How many of you remember that the rig was taped nor the drag was tuned with ht-100's & cal's grease? Now combining that with 316 stainless steel on that 4/0 would that blow anyone's mind?
So yes - i may stay away from fishing every now and then or push buttons all day long for living - but when comes to the technical side of fishing - i'm not too much of a stranger, at least not for some reel manufactures.

Having trouble calculating your line capacity on your reel?
Try my self-coded Line Calculator with instructions - calculates line conversions and topshots!

Posted : 04/10/2013 7:59 pm
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