Reel drag
i have a 16/0 penn senator i was just wondering if anybody know off the top of there head how much drag i can get out of it??
65 lbs I believe
It's a carcaradon carcharias. It's a great white shark.
Back home we got a taxidermy man. He gonna have a heart attack when he see what I brung him.
I'm not talkin' 'bout pleasure boatin' or day sailin'. I'm talkin' 'bout workin' for a livin'. I'm talkin' 'bout sharkin'!
I think less than that
"I am the new Shark Slayer in town"
off the top of a full spool? around 40lbs. 3/4 spool and its around 50. half spool and you could be pushing 80.
off the top of a full spool? around 40lbs. 3/4 spool and its around 50. half spool and you could be pushing 80.
just a question so i can learn:
while the shark is taking line, for how long can a 16/0 hold 80lb of drag without frying the reel from the inside??????
"I am the new Shark Slayer in town"
off the top of a full spool? around 40lbs. 3/4 spool and its around 50. half spool and you could be pushing 80.
just a question so i can learn:
while the shark is taking line, for how long can a 16/0 hold 80lb of drag without frying the reel from the inside??????
not sure, i'd have to look at the internals but i'd try not to go over 50. learn what it feels like and where your rod bends at 50lb of Drag, not just pressure, but drag (usually pulling line from the tip of the rod will result in more pressure than pulling straight from the reel, this is why its good to match your rod with the amount of drag your setting and make sure it has a steady bend that will go to at least 60* and has enough guides to not apply pressure points on the line... enough about that). get the feeling for 50lb and adjust your drag as you lose line. having 80lbs at the spool plus 600yards of line out can translate to well over 100lbs of pressure on certain parts of the line and you can easily break off.
The blowout will undeniably happen at over 65lbs drag, no matter where that level of spooled line is at. That's just the way how Penn mass-designed these reels, but yet that's double drag then what the manufacture maximally recommends. Technically speaking, if you really wanna play at the safe side, empty that 16/0 spool, measure 50lbs of drag after 50 wraps of line (no matter of the thickness), then let that drag as that with fully spooled line and while hunting for monsters.
Having trouble calculating your line capacity on your reel?
Try my self-coded
The blowout will undeniably happen at over 65lbs drag, no matter where that level of spooled line is at. That's just the way how Penn mass-designed these reels, but yet that's double drag then what the manufacture maximally recommends. Technically speaking, if you really wanna play at the safe side, empty that 16/0 spool, measure 50lbs of drag after 50 wraps of line (no matter of the thickness), then let that drag as that with fully spooled line and while hunting for monsters.
50 wraps of 200lb dacron on a 16/0 wont fill it much. setting your drag to 50lbs at that low of a spool will likely give you 10lb or even less at full spool. with a reel that size, setting the drag to 40 at full spool will result in 150lb or more at empty. find an empty 12/0 or larger and wrap some line around it and then test the drag with a scale, it will be almost impossible to pull and will probably max out the scale depending on size. A lot of times when people say their reel "seized up" on a long run is A) the drags got too hot then super cooled with water and they stuck or B) they got really low in the spool and never adjusted their drag resulting in a heavy drag and too much stretch from mono to pull any line and breaking off.
If you want a good example of how a drag increases as line pays out, look at the side plate of an everoll.
Although I wont get involved with numbers, lowprofile has the right idea, it's an absolute necessity to know by feel a good estimate of how much drag you have on the shark and you must back-off of the drag when that fish is peeling off line as the drag does increase almost exponentially.
This is a concept that many many people can't wrap around their head, you feel that fish peeling off line and you probably feel helpless so you crank that drag up more thinking that you have the ability to stop that fish. In all reality that fish will make its 300 yard run whether you're fishing 20lbs or 100lbs of drag, it's excited and powerful and plans on exherting the same energy to get where it needs to go; you won't just stop it dead in its tracks from the hook set. Even tuna fishermen that have reels with well over 100lbs or even 150lbs of reliable drag have no intention of trying to stomp a fish or keep that kind of pressure on a fish at all times, they know the flaws in terminal tackle, and those are last ditch safety precautions to at least attempt to turn that fish out of somebodies anchor line after it has made that run and it's tired.
A lot of people get bump happy on lever drag reels and keep pushing that lever forward when they get scared from seeing their naked reel and lose a fish, this is the sole reason I believe the penn senators are still keeping up in the record books, on most senators you turn that star a good ways and not much pressure is added but the angler feels more secure that they tightened the drag on that fish. An inch up on a lever drag could be 20lbs while an inch on a star drag may only add 3lbs.
People have been fishing for marlin, tuna, and sharks for many years without measuring out their drags on scales or having a side plate that gives them specifics on the drag they are fishing. These anglers simply fished by feel and through that they developed keen senses of when to back off on a fish and when to apply more pressure on a fish in the heat of the battle, not at home tugging on a scale. You just gotta get out there and put your best rigs to the test and see what errors you've made to increase your probability of catching that fish that you are targeting.
Just an average fisherman.
The connection between the spool shaft and pinon gear will fail after 65lbs of drag. The way how the pinon gear is designed leaves room for metal distortion of the pinon gear at high torque forces, in this case - above 65lbs. Also, i'm not sure what scales you're referring to, but if the 50lbs scales are the one that you were thinking at - yes they will max out. I do agree with you on adjusting the drag based on the fighting situation, my point was strictly technical though.
Having trouble calculating your line capacity on your reel?
Try my self-coded
The connection between the spool shaft and pinon gear will fail after 65lbs of drag. The way how the pinon gear is designed leaves room for metal distortion of the pinon gear at high torque forces, in this case - above 65lbs. Also, i'm not sure what scales you're referring to, but if the 50lbs scales are the one that you were thinking at - yes they will max out. I do agree with you on adjusting the drag based on the fighting situation, my point was strictly technical though.
I agree with most of what you mentioned, I just didn't point that out. the only thing i meant to comment about what setting the drag on an almost empty spool which would give you very little drag at full spool.
I'm sure there's a great technical article written somewhere that explains every point of this thread much better than we are.
However, i am getting ready to respool my 12/0 and will post drag measurements with my 440lb scale while taking line off. that way we can have a good, accurate basis on what a 12/0 produces through its spool diameter.
That will be interesting to see what you get out of the 12/0. I fish one and have always been curious as to the exact drag this reel can dish out.
The blowout will undeniably happen at over 65lbs drag, no matter where that level of spooled line is at. That's just the way how Penn mass-designed these reels, but yet that's double drag then what the manufacture maximally recommends. Technically speaking, if you really wanna play at the safe side, empty that 16/0 spool, measure 50lbs of drag after 50 wraps of line (no matter of the thickness), then let that drag as that with fully spooled line and while hunting for monsters.
50 wraps of 200lb dacron on a 16/0 wont fill it much. setting your drag to 50lbs at that low of a spool will likely give you 10lb or even less at full spool. with a reel that size, setting the drag to 40 at full spool will result in 150lb or more at empty. find an empty 12/0 or larger and wrap some line around it and then test the drag with a scale, it will be almost impossible to pull and will probably max out the scale depending on size. A lot of times when people say their reel "seized up" on a long run is A) the drags got too hot then super cooled with water and they stuck or B) they got really low in the spool and never adjusted their drag resulting in a heavy drag and too much stretch from mono to pull any line and breaking off.
If you want a good example of how a drag increases as line pays out, look at the side plate of an everoll.
Wise words here, it is a fishing reel, not a computer or video game!!! I fish lever drags primarily but adjust my drag be feel alone and do so frequently during a fight with a decent fish. I fish stand up w/ harness so I am usually informed of the need to do so by my midsection jerking forward too far. I never like to lean back too far without a spotter as I fear falling on my ass and losing the fish if it turns suddenly.
Go big or go home. upgrade your weak links, grease your washers and hang on!!!!!
Heavy drags land big fish fast!
Go big or go home. upgrade your weak links, grease your washers and hang on!!!!!
Heavy drags land big fish fast!
X2 Ive always been a Senator guy but couldnt pass up a deal on a two speed Okuma Titus 50W spooled with 200lb Power pro. I just got a 6ft Sandbar on it and could not believe the drag this thing was capable of and how short the fight was compared to my usual 12/0 fights. I also discovered the damage an aluminum gimbal can do to my gut and hip bone
(first fight stand up in a new spot without sand to plop down in and forgetting my belt)
Go big Or go home!
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