Need help spooling a 12/0
I been looking into getting a 12/0 for beach fishing how would you guys reccomend spooling it?
You can load up a Penn 12/0 with a lot of length. I personally would put 650 yards (about 1 pound) of 80 pound test mono straight onto the spool then top it off with 250 yards (about 1/2 a pound) of 100 pound test mono or old-school dacron of a different color. With a reel this size, I wouldn't even bother with braid.
The 100 pound test is more durable than the 80 pound test. It will get all sorts of scratched up laying in the sand at the bottom of the sea as you wait for a bite. If you get a nick in it, you'll still get 50 to 80 pounds of strength out of it. This 100 pound test will be your top shot.
Dacron fishing line is mostly used for trolling, but it's pretty durable and stands up to sand really well. It comes in black which can prevent other fish from cutting you off in a fight. But it's totally a matter of preference here, I like both mono and dacron equally for different reasons. You won't go wrong either way.
I would use a different color because as I paddle out the bait, I can tell my buddy on shore to signal me when he sees the line change color. That way, I know I have a 250 yard bait drop going on. That's useful when you're trying to feel out a new spot and you want to know where the most bites are happening, or you fish this spot all the time and you know the sharks hang out about (let's say) 180 yards out.
Or you could just put 1000 yards of 80 pound test mono. Again, you won't go wrong either way. Good luck!!!
In my opinion, I would not recommend a heavier line on top of a lighter line, like 100 on top of 80, because if a break happens, which is always the weakest link, then you got a fish swimming off with hundreds of yards of 100lb top shot....not good.
On the east coast here, I spool up my 12's with about 600yds 150lb braid and then top off with 125lb mono, both connected via FG knot. The mono is usually around 500yds. This works very well for big sharks, medium sharks, all kind of sharks. The mono can then be changed out relatively cheap and with little effort, if need be, even in the field. Very effective and no worries with yaking distance, break-offs or strength or abrasion issues.
Just my 2 pennies
Thanks for the replies I'm really gonna start trying to catch a tiger or hammer them are both ones I've failed to knock off the list
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