Long key bull
Seeing all of these posts over the years of great fisherman such as Will, JD
hammer, Picua , Rene and others I just had to go check out the bridges down
there. And damn was I surprised of the number of sharks! We ended up staying in
marathon and fished around the docks of our condo for bait, after nightfall
several little tarpon were hanging around the lights and after playing with them
awhile we decided to call it a night. The following day a local was cleaning his
bounty after a day of fishing offshore and he ended up giving us several mahi
carcasses and a blackfin carcass as well. That afternoon we took a trip to long
key and i deployed the tuna , it wasn't long before it got picked up.[url][/url]
I setup on the fish and gave it hell he immediately cut right and then towards me. I
cranked hard and I cranked fast and put the breaks on em . After walking him
down and to the beach it was a race to snap some pics and safely release this
fish back. I couldn't believe it! My first bull on the first drop! The next
night we are back on the long key grind and I Hook up to my first Cuda and a big
one at that, my Saragosa handled it effortlessly and as we were going for the
gaff shot he broke me off, Damn there goes some good bait . My buddy
having never sharkfished before wanted to give it a shot on his 6/0 after seeing
my bull, I advised him otherwise but he didn't care..... So set him up with a
single hook rig with a mahi head and sent him on his way, I setup my 14/0 with a
full Mahi on a double hook rig.... 15 mins roll by and my buddy's 6/0 clicks off
he sets up but the fish drops it, then mine goes off almost instantaneously.
After waiting a while for him to take the bait I engaged the drag and tightened
up.... The fish drops it. 10 more minutes roll by and my buddy's on again ...
This time he managed to stick this one and his line shoots out , he's on
lockdown and his sideplayes are burning up, the fish wraps him around the poles
and he ultimately breaks off... All of this within seconds ! My reel remained
silent the remainder of the night. That bridge, there's something special about
it... You step foot on that bridge well at least for me , a rush of excitement
and anxiety comes over me knowing that this is the place of giants... Pretty
epic trip especially for my first down in the keys, will definitely be back with
a 130 for revenge!
Any Guesses on weight?
Good catch there, man! What do you do, just drop your baits off the bridge and then drag those big boys to shore? I usually fish the Channel 5 bridge and have limited experience with the Long Key Bridge. Though I've heard Long Key is epic for big sharks. Seems like a heck of a fight, especially from a bridge!
Nice bull shark and very good report.Glad to see we were able to inspire you to make it happen on Long Key Bridge.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
Great catch
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2012 BTC 2nd Place Largest Shark
2012 January Sharker of The Month
2012 BHC 4th Place Largest Shark
2014 February Sharker of The Month
Nice Bull you got there. I think we saw you guys that afternoon. We stopped at Long Key to check the tide. We decided to hit another bridge and we ended up getting a Nice Lemon. Looks the bite was on that night. Nice Bull
Nice bull!! I'd bet you can catch a bunch of lemons right from your condos dock!!
Nice bull, tight work!
Here fishy fishy fishy.....
Catch a fish or catch a buzz!
Nice Bull!!!!!! Thanks for sharing your experience
2012 BTC 2nd Place Largest Shark
2012 January Sharker of The Month
2012 BHC 4th Place Largest Shark
2014 February Sharker of The Month
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