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Whos Got the Luck? ...
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Whos Got the Luck? Luckiest fisherman you know?

South Beach Seaweed
Noble Member

Rene always spoke of those special Ginos that he had , that brought him his most Luck.. He would tell every 1 that me and Ricky White Owl (R.i.p) where his lucky Charms. He bragged how whever we where near him or his rods it was a matter of time. He would get pissed whenever i fished with another former club member Kevin Pagan (Tar Baby) Hed say Dammmittt Shannon i told you.... Hes the Curse........... With him you catch nothing.............. Hes the Curse.........

Rene Also spoke all the time about (Bull Shark 51) JulioTerzado!!!!!!!Another Old timer we are fortunate enough to still have.

He always said (Julio) That freaking guy is the luckiest man around.. He has the Luck with him always.... And that old pineapple wrapped rod of his is magic whenever it goes out.

If im not mistaken, it was Julios rod that rene caught his 14 foot hammer and biggest shark of his life on.

For me , my Good luck Charms are Jimmy dean Fuqua and The Old man Hammer.
I Always hook King Kong with my two Partners near by..................................................

SFSC -East Coast Events Coordinator

Topic starter Posted : 01/09/2011 2:36 am
Noble Member

I have the wierdest luck... Every time i target a fish I will catch everything but the fish I want, like when I hooked that sailfish, i was cobia fishing, when I got my biggest cuda, i was shark fishing, etc.

I think Jd Fagan and Raymundo have a ton of luck lol

Just an average fisherman.

Posted : 01/09/2011 8:38 am
Jimmy Dean
Trusted Member

Ya i got 2 admit shans lucky as hell n i do have luck hookin up on them big dogs just cant seem 2 get'em in but maybe things will change n ill finilly pull n da beast its deans year so look out son went fishing wit will friday got 2 hits but no hookups going again tonight hopefully ill have something 2 post tomorrow :?:

Posted : 01/09/2011 11:34 am