Panama City pier Mako eats a prize ling
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:48 pm Post subject:
Ok I got one, well I've got many but this one I don't think will happen again. It was first of may and the kings were chewing the pier down and I was on the end with Mike Moore looking for cobias. I finally talked him into going king fishing so he is fishing off the front and I see a 25 lber coming right at me. I didn't say anything, just picked up my rod when the fish came into casting range and threw. The fish ate and I was on! Mike looked over and I said I need a gaff and he was cussing me, I was laughing my ass off. He gets the gaff and is lowering it into the water, when I hear, O my god what is that! I look up and see this huge blue submarine coming right for my cobe. It was a 10 ft mako shark! My fish runs for the piling but the mako runs over and grabbs it and shakes its head and rips the fish in half! I'm reeling the front half and the mako swings around and grabs the rest of it. He swimms south and I'm jacking it the whole time to get it to jump but I don't think it even knew it was hooked. I could see the jig sticking out of its mouth along with the cobes head. I got pics for non belivers.
Charles Chan
lets see those pics !!!!!!
Do you fish Panama City alot ?? If so i am headed there in a couple days to shark fish. This will only be my second year at it so if you have any advise my ears are open.
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