My First Keys bridge hammer
This was no monster, but my first Keys bridge hammer, so it is memorable to me...caught June 1 08 about 6 am on 7 miler, ate a big jack head ballooned about 100 yards out on a 14/0 and 9 ft custom rod. We were near the end of the bridge and didn't want to stress it out by walking it all the way down, so we broke it off after getting straight up and down, estimated ~8 ft. Hopefully the first of many.
Team Locked Drag
2008 Shorebound Tournament Bridge Champs
2009 Big Hammer Challenge Bridge Champs
you gots the itch! Good doing in letting it go.....
Good luck fishing!
you had your fun with it!...good job on the release, mike
Nice catch man... You did the right thing too....

Nice catch from the 7 miler there Rory.There are no easy answers fishing from the bridges we are at odds as to what the most important thing to do to insure the sharks we release from the bridge survive after release.The moment you hook a shark i think they feel stress and once you cut them loose from the top of bridge and they are trailing a typically long leader,,,,will the shark get tangled on a reef and die.I don't know the answer.If you walk the mile or half mile to the end of the bridge to cut your leader short or remove the hook on every shark you catch you will exhaust yourself and limit how much time you spend fishing,,,,,,,highly unlikely.If you fish with long leaders like we do in the shark club to try and beat the really big sharks it is the additional leader length that might add to the shark's mortality rate that concerns me.The bottom line is weather you use a long or short leader when you cut the shark loose from the top of the bridge it will trail around a 20 foot piece of heavy line for a long while.Do the land-based sport fisherman really impact the worlds populations of sharks?,,,,the more likely answer is that we have little impact to the shark populations but the real culprits are the worlds unscrupulous commercial fishing fleets of third world countries and non third world countries like those in the United States.We should help push for a world wide ban on commercial shark fishing to insure the sharks populations will survive,thrive, and be maintained at normal levels.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
nice hammer
Looking for the big one
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