Live Baiting Sharks
Any of you ever use live bait and release it from the shore into the shallows without a weight? Would the fish swim to deeper water or stay in the shallows? Also where do you hook a bonnethead or small blacktip?
I would never use s shark like a blacktip as bait for bigger sharks. First I would turn loose so it can become a bigger blacktip. Second you can only harvest 1 shark per person and the one you use as bait would count as that. Meaning you cant catch any more. Even if you say catch and release you could still be finned for fishing past your limit and have to take it to court and try and prove it
Not true in florida you can harvest 1 sharpnose or bonnet plus your 1 shark per person. So you could use one of them for bait I know of a few people who have had great success fishing with sharpies. When we go out in the boat we have caught at least a half dozen this year that have been bitten in half or have big teeth marks wrapping around them so I know other sharks love to eat them.
After seeing your post, I went to MYFWC.COM and looked up the current regulations on shark fishing. In florida you can only keep 1 shark per person or 2 per boat. Also some sharks have a 54 in. min size. If you want to take the chance that is up to you but if caught thay can take all your gear and give you a very large fine.
My apologies that is for federal waters 1 shark plus 1 sharpnose or bonnet. However there is no law stating that you cannot use a non protected species for bait and still fish if the fwc showed up and you caught a bull or what not with a sharp for bait you would have to release the bull since your quota has already been filled with your taking of the sharpnose. Since there's no law stating that you have to stop fishing once you have caught your bag limit only that you can not KEEP more than your bag limit. I personally do not use sharks for bait however I have no problem with someone else as long as there only taking or using what is allowed. After all its up to us to protect our own resources.
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