Time to fight Lake Worth pier under attack by city commision
Word has it that the Lake Worth city commision is considering making the(Lake Worth Lockhart) pier "a Tourist only no fishing pier".What a travesty if there were to happen .I have been absent from the board lately mostly taking a break from the strenous task of running a month long tournament but I cannot stand back and watch this happen.This smells of another city commission drunk on the thought of tourist dollars in a stalled economy.Another city in the sunshine state with leaders not in touch with there constituents and going totally against the wishes of the local fisherman .When cuban Eddy told me I was apalled that a city with so much fishing history would even consider such a proposal.The Lake Worth pier has been a place where many youngsters spend their off days from school ,a place where lifelong friendships are forged,a place where the city's youth can be in a safe enviroment enjoying a safe sport .It is proposterous that a pier that was rebuilt only a few years ago after so many hurdles is now being threatened with a no fishing ban.HORSE SHIT!!
I want to let all those interested that I am here to fight for the rights of the pier anglers, and for the right of the pier to remain as it is as both 'A fishing and tourist pier' that can be enjoyed by everyone alike.There is no good reason to eliminate fishing at a fishing pier,there is no reason to turn a blind eye to the piers rich fishing history, and no reason to destroy a wonderful place that has always existed as a gathering place for the city's fisherman.We need to stay on top of things and find out if this is coming up for a vote so we can start a letter writing campaign,start a petition to revoke the law if it is passed,we need to start calling the commisioners, city attorney and mayor to voice our outrage in a responsible way.We also need to send as many emails to these folks as possible ,to send letters letting them know we will not sit back and have our pier taken away; not by a hurricane this time but by a city goverment out of touch with history,reality and the heart of a community.The TIME IS NOW TO REACH OUT TO ALL THE OLD TIMERS THAT ARE STILL ALIVE AND BRING THEM TO THE COMMISION MEETINGS SO THAT THOSE IN THE CITY GOVERMENT BETTER UNDERSTAND HOW THE PIER IS TIED TO THE COMMUNITY AND IT'S LONG HISTORY.I AM HERE TO STAND SHOULDER TO SHOULDER WITH ALL THAT ARE INTERESTED IN PROTECTING THE RIGHTS OF LAKE WORTH FISHERMAN .Time to resurrect the Shorebound Anglers Alliance and have our voices heard.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
You guys need to stand up and get on board with Will on this issue - there are a bunch af greedy bast***s in areas like Florida that only want the richest of the rich in there - after all thats where they get all their money from - I cant stand elitist groups like that - this country was founded on the rights of ALL of its citizens regardless of how much money you have - if you are a citizen of this country you have a voice - USE IT !!
there are a bunch af greedy bast***s in areas like Florida that only want the richest of the rich in there
I know all about that..they only want the richest of the rich around the coastal areas here..take a drive along the coast where my favorite fishing spots are and you wouldn't even be able to tell the coast is right there..the sand and the surf are blocked out of view by the unoccupied mansions and condos..these condos are maybe half full for 1/5th of the year and empty for the rest, and work to keep the citizens of this area from being able to access and enjoy the beach. Where a mansion or condo doesn't stand, shrubs, trees, fences, even piles of dirt and rocks are put there to block anyone out who cannot afford to live there. You have to buy property worth over a million to get on the beach as much as you want. Every few miles of coastline you will run across a parking meter that you need to feed 2 dollars per hour. Then they throw you out by sunset so the condo commandos can sip their wine and walk their poodles on the beach without having to look at anyone else who earns less than a half million a year. Florida does not give a damn about the people who keep the state going, the people that provide the services to all these rich people..the ones who serve them dinner at the Cheesecake Factory, the ones who change the oil in their Bentleys, the ones who do the landscaping outside their 20 room mansions..and in return for their services they are payed less than enough to barely get by, and it sure is hard for them to enjoy their 1 day off work each week at the beach.
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
John 11:26 KJB 1611 AV
Thanks Will and the South Florida Shark Club member's for your help and your support on helping to keep the Lake Worth Pier open for the fisherman.
I'm going to go to the next meeting find more information on this problem I will fight for the right of the fisherman. I appreciate any help with information on how to deal with this problem.
Thanks to all
Eddy ( cubaneddy)
Lake Worth pier master ,,,& cobia monster
Found a good resource someone that might be able to steer us in the right direction and might take up our cause.Wes Blackman's City of Lake Worth Blog might be the start of what we need to nip this proposed fishing ban at the bud.There is lake Worth city commission meeting agenda information available inside Wes's blog page. Click below to access the blog.Let's get involved and keep the right to fish on Lake Worth pier.
http://wesblackman.blogspot.com/2010/04 ... a-406.html
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
I will do whatever it takes to keep the pier open to all the fisherman in my back yard,signatures,city hall meetings,and A bunch of people together to let lake worth know they are making A big mistake! Help from people Could make this not happen and would mean A lot to the "REAL" residents..........'S.O.S' 'S.O.S' 'S.O.S' !!!!!WE NEED HELP!!!
If we want to win, we're going to need lawyers and money. Your votes don't mean $hit in this town.
I searched the June 6 Commission Agenda and found no mention of the words: pier or fishing
Is there a subcommittee or something that's pushing the issue?
thats bullshit I hate when council ppl think they can take everything away just cause there in power. hope it doesnt happen cause I would like to go down there to fish
Looking for the big one
I have fished lakeworth pier ever since it has opened, through dead days in the heat and cold with no fish caught, to days where you couldn't leave a rod unattended. Landed some of my biggest fish from the pier and soem of my first of species, and lost a million other trophies.
Other than the fish, the people I have met out there are the exact opposite of the typical arrogant pier fisherman, people full of respect and dignity, even willing to help out a fellow fisherman with techniques and so on.
lakeworth pier like many other piers is unforgettable, and to allow some city commissioners to make some bad laws with 100 loop holes because they barely know anything about the law and the constitution to begin with is preposterous and I will be in full support of any efforts to keep lakeworth pier for fishing.
As a sidenote, if they were to make it a pure walking pier, they would potentially lose more money than gain, considering the amount of fishermen that put in money to fish that pier daily and an effect that I have noticed among the pier when an angler catches a serious fish, the tourists from the beaches actually come running and pay to go out on the pier and see what everyone is catching.
Just an average fisherman.
im in for the fight not because ive ever fished there but because the gov keeps limiting our rights and i dont stand by that we are Americans and we are free. what the heck happened to that. im here to fight for our rights. and i dont think they realize that tourist walk that pier to see what the fisherman actually have caught.
i will do what it takes to save the history lake worth pier fishing...
I heard word of mouth from word of mouths that they mention it and are going to see what happens......just thinking of it is A slap in the face....My mother goes to A lot of 'L-DUB' meetings at city hall to help stop the rich from always trying to "IMPROVE" lakeworth and she tries to keep lake worth original 'AS IS'!!!!!! She will let me know.
we gotta save our pier
"I am the new Shark Slayer in town"
Thats all they do take away our right to fish and it is getting worse i wonder if it has something to do with that shark they found on the beach earlier in the week with its head cut off. You never know that may have fueled the fire but whatever it is we have to fight for our rights and to keep that pier open and our right to fish the beaches period.
2012 BTC 2nd Place Largest Shark
2012 January Sharker of The Month
2012 BHC 4th Place Largest Shark
2014 February Sharker of The Month
I dont post on here ever and we dont always see eye to eye, but we are definitly on the same side on this issue. As stupid as a fishing ban sounds for the Lake Worth Pier nothing surprises me when it comes to the city of LW. The best thing they ever did was close the city of LW police department and turn it over the sheriff, police presence is way up. Now just a couple years into it the city is behind payment to the county for both the sheriff and to the county fire rescue and therefore want to scrap it and go back to city police and fire. If they cant afford to pay for sheriff and fire services how well funded are city services going to be? My father worked at LW fire rescue for 27 years before retiring a few years ago and now the city is suing all the past fire fighters for stop thier pensions. That city is a mess and has been for a while now mainly due to crooked politicians. They are the kings of secret midnight meetings and back room handshakes that harm the average citizen but make thier pockets fatter.
My family came to LW in the 50's and my grandmother, father, and uncle were daily regulars on the old LW pier and it is the place I learned to fish as a kid. I still know a lot of people in lake worth and I see what they hear. If it ever comes up at a meeting I will watch this thread to see the day and time so that I can do whatever I can to help.
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