Sand Critters
I've been noticing since the beginning of july these critters covering my shark gear while shark fishing on the beach. They ain't mosquiters or no-see-ums. They are like little brown beetles. Its impossible to sleep with them there cus' they cover your legs and stuff and piss me off. They can fly and get into things and die. I had leader bags that were sealed shut and somehow these bugs get in them and make everything stink real bad. Even my kayak gets covered in them while it sits on the sand. After every night on the beach I got to clean out every bag or box to get rid of them. I've seen them on Boca Grande and Jensen Beach. So far bug spray as well as long clothes doesn't work at gettin rid of them. They just crawl under your clothes. Anybody know what these are and how to get rid of them?
Yep, they're beetles. They can't hurt you, but their thorny looking legs can make you a little itchy. Totally harmless, just annoying.
Look's to me like "June bug's" Harmless,but aggravating at time's. Seem to be attracted to any type of light depending where you are...and suck when trying to get outta long hair! lol The spray won't help with them either
Look's to me like "June bug's" Harmless,but aggravating at time's. Seem to be attracted to any type of light depending where you are...and suck when trying to get outta long hair! lol The spray won't help with them either
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