Nylon Coated Single Strand?
Anyone know where I could get some? I've been looking everywhere.
I think you can order it straight from Malin, I've looked all over and haven't seen on any sites for sale. Here, http://www.malinco.com/fishing-hardwire.html theres a number to call them.
If you do call them, can you see if they can quote you some prices and post them here.
NVM, you can, but have to make a $125 order and it takes 4 weeks.
Dont know where your located,but you can try a place here that alot of us get supplies from. They cater to the commercial fishermans needs. The business name is F.I.S.H 727 391 7380 If they dont have it, they can get it I'm sure
Well the other problem I run into is that I'm currently living in Iowa and have to mail order everything. Do they have a website?
I just checked their card & they dont have a web site listed. They do have 3 numbers listed & they are (local) 727 391 7380 (fax)727 397 5257 & (Nat. & Fl watts) 1 800 780 7380. (Address) 750 E. Welch Causeway St. Petersburg,Fl. 33708 I hope this helps
Just off the phone with them. Tad told me to have you check with "American Fishing Wire" or "Seven strand" & they should be able to set you up
Thanks for the help dude!
Anytime my Brother,thats what we're here for
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