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Keys Bridges Closure Frustrating

Noble Member


Topic starter Posted : 03/31/2014 5:47 pm
Prominent Member

This is getting so crazy!! Before you know it we will lose them all!! It's a shame that they don't realize this is why people frequent the keys is because of the fantastic bridge fishing and is worth it to repair them and keep the history!!! Soon you will fish on a bridge with a hundred people because all other bridges will be closed!! Open your eyes and figure out a way to get the money.

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Posted : 03/31/2014 9:59 pm
Reputable Member

Damn wasn't aware of this that sucks
Thanks for sharing it Luis hopefully they can get it done one day
I've never fished the keys bridges before but it's on my list you guys kill it down there

Posted : 04/01/2014 12:24 am
Prominent Member

This isn't good news. The past couple of summers Jerry has caught a dolphin & a redfish from Ohio Missouri. You could always count on big runners and jacks there. Jerry & I used to say we wanted to buy the Old Bahia Honda bridge, fix it, and charge admission like on a pier. They have already eliminated almost everywhere the average guy can fish in Miami. How very sad. :cry:

Posted : 04/06/2014 6:25 am
Estimable Member

I would think/Hope that they would reestablish the old Cat Walks system on the new bridges. BUT that may be a Politically Incorrect solution for them to do.

Lets hope something happens to keep the keys open to Land based fishing. I still have some hope of returning to my old haunts

Posted : 04/06/2014 1:06 pm
Noble Member

I couldn't even finish reading, this makes me sick.

Just an average fisherman.

Posted : 04/06/2014 9:24 pm
Member Admin

In 2006 when I got involved in the internet and realized the potential to share information and to use it for furthering a cause ,I also saw I could share the passion I feel for land-based shark fishing and it's history.Originally I started on to post concerns about losing our historic bridges to decay and lack of interest by the state and federal government.I have voiced my concerns in the past and will continue to voice my disgust at the lack of interest of preserving such historic and significant structures.Forget the fact that we use these places to enjoy fishing ,these bridges changed the world of engineering and let humanity see what can be built with vision and the proper resources.If we don't unite ,take a stance and TRULY GET INVOLVED we cannot say shit when these bridges disappear and only live in our memories.Over the years I have worked hard to be a representative of land-based fishermen but have seen limited involvement by many who want to be recognized by there catches but are cold footed when it comes to giving of themselves. Frustrating to me is seeing so many - doing NOTHING or UNWILLING TO UNITE FOR A CAUSE,,,,but that's just me ,i'm weird like that.Only time will tell if this undaunted spirit can sustain what I set out to do .I remain hopeful that an army or even a few others such as I will slowly start to emerge to help save what we say we LOVE.

ps.........LETS SET UP A MEETING TO ADDRESS THIS ISSUE ,LET'S ATTEND FDOT MEETINGS ,LETS START A LETTER WRITING CAMPAIGN ,,,,,,,and see how many actually show up and follow through ,,,,,,,,,Child Please!!!

SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger

Posted : 04/07/2014 10:37 am
Noble Member

I know I have reached out on many occasions to the keys councils. I know I do it because I want to and hope these historic landmarks and fishing spots will be available to everyone long after my time on this earth is up. Not to prove anything. Here one of several dialogue I have had in the past. There are several more. Like I know that Spanish Harbor will be opening again pretty soon with platforms.


Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Luis Cordova and I have been fishing the Florida Keys since I was a kid. I have a couple of concerns regarding the present and future of fishermen. I was informed by one of my friends that the Niles Channel Bridge was closed due to deterioration this past week. Being an avid fishermen and enjoying the Florida Keys, I had a few questions regarding some of the Bridges that we no longer have access to.

1 – Niles Bridge – Are there plans to restore the Bridge so that fishermen would once again be able to fish it?

2 – Card Sound Bridge – I grew up fishing the old catwalks of the Card Sound bridge. Are there any plans of once again opening Card Sound to fishing?

3 – Channel 5 – Channel 5 is one of my favorite bridges and I fish it quite often. I was wondering if there were any plans to opening the North Side of the Bridge. If the Bridge is in good condition all it would need would be the railings.

4 – Seven Mile Bridge North Side – To my knowledge the Seven Mile Bridge North Side is open to Cyclists and walkers but not to fishermen. I don’t quite understand this. I am aware the Seven Mile Bridge South side is open to fishing but it is also frequented by Cyclists and Walkers as well. I don’t see why the North Side is closed to fishermen.

5 – Bahia Honda – The Old Historic Bridge is rotting away and will likely fall one of these days. Any plans to this Bridge?

Please understand that fishing has been a favorite past time in the Keys for decades. I am aware that nowadays money is what talks, but at the same time the fishing industry brings in billions of dollars to the Florida Keys Annually. I appreciate you taking the time to read and answer this email and I look forward to your response.

Thank You,

Hello Mr. Cordova,

Thank you again for your inquiry concerning these fishing bridges. We appreciate your patience in awaiting a reply as we sought to provide you with the most complete and up-to-date information we have on each of these structures.

1 – Niles Bridge – Are there plans to restore the Bridge so that fishermen would once again be able to fish it?
As you may be aware, five spans of this bridge recently broke off and fell into the ocean. In view of this safety hazard, the bridge was fenced to completely restrict public access until repairs can be made. We do anticipate that this bridge will be repaired and retrofitted for pedestrian, bicycle, and angler use, though it is too soon to realistically estimate a time frame for its re-opening. Our staff is in the process of investigating the steps that would be required to restore the bridge for safe public use. This calls for a complete engineering analysis of the bridge as well as a cost analysis of what would be involved over and above the expected improvements in retrofitting the bridge for trail use. The gap and the existing span is likely to remain in order to accommodate the height necessary to maintain navigational waterways, however, removal of the cantilevered overhangs-- which are not a part of Flagler’s original bridge-- may be proposed as a safety measure and reduction in long term maintenance costs.

2 – Card Sound Bridge – I grew up fishing the old catwalks of the Card Sound bridge. Are there any plans of once again opening Card Sound to fishing?
Card Sound Bridge does not fall under ownership or management responsibility of this Department. The appropriate contact person for inquiries regarding this bridge is Don Crouch, with the offices of Monroe County: (305) 247-3707.

3 – Channel 5 – Channel 5 is one of my favorite bridges and I fish it quite often. I was wondering if there were any plans to opening the North Side of the Bridge. If the Bridge is in good condition all it would need would be the railings.
There is actually a gap between the existing north side section of the Channel 5 bridge and the section of bridge you describe as needing railings. At this point in time, there are no plans to close that gap.

4 – Seven Mile Bridge North Side – To my knowledge the Seven Mile Bridge North Side is open to Cyclists and walkers but not to fishermen. I don’t quite understand this. I am aware the Seven Mile Bridge South side is open to fishing but it is also frequented by Cyclists and Walkers as well. I don’t see why the North Side is closed to fishermen.
The Seven Mile Bridge is managed by the Florida Department of Transportation so you may wish to address this question to:
Patricia A. Ivey
Project Administrator
Florida Department of Transportation
3100 Overseas Highway
Marathon, Florida Keys 33050
office: (305) 289-6106
fax: (305) 289-2357

5 – Bahia Honda – The Old Historic Bridge is rotting away and will likely fall one of these days. Any plans to this Bridge?
At this time, there are no plans to restore the historic Bahia Honda Bridge as it would be cost-prohibitive.

Thank you for taking the time to inquire about the locations that are of special interest to you and many anglers who enjoy the time-honored tradition of fishing from the historic bridges. We do recognize and value the contribution of the fishing industry to the Keys, as evidenced by the cantilevered fishing platforms that have been added to several of the historic bridges as part of the construction of the Overseas Heritage Trail. However, it is necessary to balance improvements to the bridges with this office’s overall responsibility for constructing the entire 106-mile Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail corridor under alternative transportation grant funding from the Florida Department of Transportation. Please be assured that we are aware of and have great respect for the role the bridges play in the Keys fishing industry and we will continue to make improvements to them as funding permits.

Attached is a document showing the bridges that are open for fishing along the Trail. We appreciate your interest and inquiry and please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

Carol Sheppard
Public Outreach Coordinator
Division of Recreation and Parks
Office of Greenways & Trails
(850) 245-2055
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Topic starter Posted : 04/18/2014 5:29 pm
Noble Member

On a good note: old 7 Mile restoration looks to be happening.

City council approves $77M for 7-Mile bridge
Florida Keys local governments have begun to give their formal blessings to a funding plan to renovate the Old Seven Mile Bridge.

On Tuesday night, the Marathon City Council approved the roughly $77 million plan between itself, the Monroe County Commission and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). The agreement calls for 30 years worth of repairs and upgrades to the 100 year-old bridge that once carried Henry Flagler's Overseas Railroad, with FDOT paying for the lion's share of it.

Under the terms of the agreement, FDOT would maintain ownership of the bridge. FDOT would pay $57 million of the projected $77 million in repair and maintenance costs over the next 30 years. Monroe County would pay $14.2 million, and Marathon would pay $5.3 million to help cover the cost of repairs. The county would have to pay an additional $720,000 up front to repair the Pigeon Key ramp, according to the agreement.

The Marathon City Council voted unanimously in favor of the agreement.

"The enthusiasm was unbelievable," Mayor Dick Ramsay said.

The Monroe County Commission tentatively approved the funding plan in December. Commissioner Danny Kolhage was the only one on the dais to vote against funding the project. He said he would like to see the county's share of the funding go to bridges and roads that residents drive on daily.

Kolhage again plans to vote against the project, he said.

FDOT District 6 Superintendent Gus Pego is in full support of the funding plan. If the plan is approved by the County Commission, FDOT would start the design work this year and hopefully construction next year, Pego said.

"We have made this a priority for Monroe County," Pego said. "I am confident we will be able to find the money for it."

The commission meets at 9 a.m. Wednesday at the Marathon Government Center.

Topic starter Posted : 04/18/2014 5:32 pm
Member Admin

Good work Luis,we need more people like yourself to become involved to help save and restore the keys bridges.

SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger

Posted : 04/24/2014 1:21 pm
Reputable Member

Nice job Luis! Way to take initiative and get some info for all of us. I'm sure everyone in the club appreciates it. The Keys are my favorite place to fish!

Posted : 04/24/2014 4:46 pm