Florida pet owners beware
My dog had an encounter with a Bufo Toad a few days ago and had to be rushed to the emergency vet. They can kill a dog within 15 minutes if enough toxin is ingested. My dog started foaming at the mouth and vomiting...most of the time they will go into seizures and die but luckily my little guy made it
DO NOT wash their mouth out with a hose...you will only force the toxin into the lungs and stomach...use a damp cloth and wipe the gums...and have an emergency vet # ready cause these toads are nocturnal and most vets will be closed if an incident occurs
And keep a gig nearby cause the only good bufo toad is a dead bufu toad
Dang that no good, hope your dog is good..... nice gig job
careful not to roast any marshmallows on that
. sorry bout the dog i love dogs
Thank's for this helpful info from a animal owner & a father of twin toddler's. You can't always help what they get into,but being prepared will help them out of it. Hope your dog recovers well

My daughters female Yorkie was killed by one of those toads 3 years ago.By the time we rushed her to the vet she was almost gone (she weighed about 4 lbs)she looked up at me with big sad eyes and took her last breath.My daughter suffered with that lost for a while -I used cut the lawn and they'd be hopping around and let them slide by- but now every chance I get they become ground up mulch for the earth.
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