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Custom Rod Build

Trusted Member

I am planning on building my first custom rod. I will be building it for shark fishing. Using a Gorilla Offshore blank 4'6'' 50-80lb class. Fuji turbo guides. Lakeland metal reel seat. Prowrap tiger thread. Cross cut EVA foam. How does it sound? Hope i do well because its my first rod and its for sharks. I will be mounting it with a penn 9/0 or daiwa 900h. Thanks. Any tipes, ideas, or help is greatly appreciated.

Topic starter Posted : 11/18/2012 5:33 pm
Estimable Member

I am planning on building my first custom rod. I will be building it for shark fishing. Using a Gorilla Offshore blank 4'6'' 50-80lb class. Fuji turbo guides. Lakeland metal reel seat. Prowrap tiger thread. Cross cut EVA foam. How does it sound? Hope i do well because its my first rod and its for sharks. I will be mounting it with a penn 9/0 or daiwa 900h. Thanks. Any tipes, ideas, or help is greatly appreciated.

I was just looking at those blanks have you heard any reviews on them?

Posted : 11/18/2012 5:53 pm
Trusted Member

Yes I did some research and even saw a 42lb bucket lifted with that model. Good and strong. I have heard they are slightly heavy, but what shark gear isnt lol. I chose it because the price and Im still in highschool. I will be ordering my blank tonight. Will be kind of a slow build, I am having to keep money aside for the reel, and my birthday and christmas money are going to my kayak.

Topic starter Posted : 11/18/2012 5:59 pm
Honorable Member

Use fuji's HB's or ALPS XN's series guides. Don't be shy about going small guides, from big guides. The rule that still applies, as long as the smallest guide pass through your biggest knot or swivel, you're good to go. Any ring size above that it's just overkill and highly unnecessary. These two type of guides do good job when comes to braid or dacron, which many uses anyway nowadays.

Having trouble calculating your line capacity on your reel?
Try my self-coded Line Calculator with instructions - calculates line conversions and topshots!

Posted : 11/18/2012 7:50 pm
Trusted Member

I was just going to go with BLRXOG boat guides from fuji, trying to keep the price down.

Topic starter Posted : 11/18/2012 8:29 pm
Trusted Member

Placed an order. Ordered the 5ft gorilla blank. 50-80lb class. Ordered an aluminum reel seat, some reel seat arbors, the rear eva grip, and some epoxy. I won't be able to add anything else for alittle while. Have to get my girlfriend a christmas present, and keep money aside to go to a reel. I just hope this rod turns out nice and not into a disaster.

Topic starter Posted : 11/18/2012 9:24 pm
Noble Member

you could have used masking tape for reel seat arbors. the alps guides are great guides i just built a spinning rod with alps guides. only prob i had was my zip ties were to wide for the size 6 guide feet. lol

Posted : 11/19/2012 6:30 am
Trusted Member

I thought about the masking tape but didnt want the reel seat to come loose. Trying to keep my first rod as solid as possible lol

Topic starter Posted : 11/19/2012 10:51 am
Noble Member

as long as you epoxy good it will be the same. alot of big builders use masking tape arbors.

Posted : 11/19/2012 11:23 am
Trusted Member

Not sure if I got the right size arbors anyways, if they dont fit, I will use masking tape and just send the arbors back.

Topic starter Posted : 11/19/2012 11:49 am
Trusted Member

Being my first rod build, all the sizes and stuff are kinda confusing.

Topic starter Posted : 11/19/2012 11:50 am
Trusted Member

I think I got the guide sizes right, does this sound good? 25 20 16 12 12 plus tip.

Topic starter Posted : 11/20/2012 9:13 am