Can Anyone Recommend a Portable Coffee Maker?
I must have wished for a hot coffee a thousand times this past winter. It's always at midnight, maybe after a light rain and you don't want to pack it up just yet. A portable coffee maker would kick ass. I don't care if it runs on a battery, a propane tank or plugs into the cars cigarette lighter. Does anyone use one and could you recommend one?
EDIT: Filling up a thermos before the trip will not do the trick. I'm not smart enough to remember to do that.
There is nothing & repeat NOTHING more practical then the "french press coffee maker". U can make coffee in any conditions as long as you'll find a way to boil water, plus you can switch quickly into a tea maker just by rinse off with fresh water and u r good to go. Not to mention that has a much much better taste then any piped coffee makers out there.
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U can make coffee in any conditions as long as you'll find a way to boil water
We're getting into the colder months and no Florida outdoorsman likes being outside in 40 degrees. But with blacktip season coming in January, I'm not about to stop fishing just because "it's too cold" and coffee is my fix. It took me a year and a half and a lot of trial and error, but I think I'm onto the solution. I found a camp stove I can toss into the tackle box and forget about. And it's so cheap that if it breaks, it's not a huge loss.
I just got it in the mail and have been playing around with it. Let me tell you, it is a flamethrower!!! I've already made two types of coffee, one using a "tea ball" to make regular coffee and one of those $5 stovetop espresso machines for high octane stuff.
It was $6.00 through Amazon.
Here it is in action:
Maybe I pack too much stuff for a night on the beach, but I'm gonna try and make a grilled cheese sandwich and some soup next. Any thoughts?
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