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Boat Ramp Bull Shark

Backcountry Sharker
Eminent Member

Our boat broke down so I was stuck at the boat ramp all night so I figured I might as well put out a shark bait so I put a huge mullet out at 8:30 and at 12:30am (I know long wait lol) something strange happend my reel went off for about 3 seconds and my rod thumped really hard I figured a manatee or something bumped my line then about 5 minutes later another run but this one was steady and fast so I crank the lever down and nothing but my brick was broke so I could feel my bait on still so I ran to our car and told my mom I got something small messing with the bait so I walk back over to my rod and start reeling it but as soon as I retighten my drag it takes off again so I loosen back up and let him run after 10 seconds I set the hook and all I hear is crashing and splashing and I swore I had just hooked a tarpon but after a long fight and also very tiring I land a nice bull shark almost 3 miles from the inlet

Topic starter Posted : 08/06/2017 12:37 am
Honorable Member

Awesome. Too bad about the boat but ya still got da fish!

Here fishy fishy fishy.....
Catch a fish or catch a buzz!

Posted : 08/24/2017 9:33 pm
Member Admin

Way to go ,,,,you're the 2017 Dock Champion.

SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger

Posted : 08/28/2017 2:27 pm