Bad Business in Melbourne
I just got off the phone with a friend of mine and she said this happened to a buddy of hers. It's without a doubt a true story and it's not cool. This was on his his facebook:
Today, my girlfriend and I went to help our pregnant friend and her 5 year old son. They had a flat tire on US 1, and the first place she could pull into was Elite Anglers Bait and Tackle, next to the Honda dealership in Palm Bay. As soon as we got there, I knew that I'd have to take the tire off and most likely take it to get repaired. As soon as I got the tire off the car (with the car on the jack), I heard a loud male voice over my shoulder. Here's the conversation that I had with what I assume to be the owner of Elite Anglers:
Man: "Is this something new?"
Me: "Excuse me?"
I assumed the man was coming over to help us. An angry looking man with bloodshot eyes, smoking a cigarette comes over and starts blowing smoke our direction.
Man: "You just stop to fix your car in front of a random business?"
Me: "Uh, she's got a flat tire."
Man: "I don't care. Why are you fixing it here?"
Me: "Dude, she can't control where her tire goes flat."
Man: "I've had three cars pass by and not stop because you're blocking the entrance to my store."
(There is another entrance about twenty yards down the street to the same parking lot).
Me:"What do you want me to do? She's got a flat tire."
Man:"Get that f*cking car out of here. Fix it somewhere else. Get it the f*ck out of here".
At this point, my friend's 5 year old son is getting scared, tugging on her dress and hiding behind her.
My Friend: "Can you not see there is a child here? There's no need to use that kind of language".
Man:"I don't care. Hopefully he doesn't grow up to be as stupid as you all. Get this car the hell out of here".
So, wanting to avoid any further confrontation in front of the kid, I quietly tell him that I'll move the car. So, I had to drive down US 1 on a rim to get away from Elite Anglers and the despicable owner.
I don't like talking bad about people, and I am the biggest fan of small business owners. But you should never treat strangers that way. I will never again get bait or tackle from Elite Anglers. This is the sort of treatment you can expect when you go there. For all of my fellow fishermen friends, I would highly recommend Black Dog Bait and Tackle in Melbourne Beach or Harry Goode's if you are mainland. Please feel free to share my post.
-Thought I'd share.
What a piece of work that guy is! Now I know where I'll never do business but I'll be sure to stop by if my car needs some work done if I'm ever up in the area. All people seem to care about is money. Maybe if the government and the banks didn't steal so much money..
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
John 11:26 KJB 1611 AV
WOW the guy's a real "prince" ain't he?
Let's all make sure the "word" goes out....... then hopefully he'll hear how his big mouth cost him ,
Unreal, instead of helping he pulls that ,
"What We are dealing with here, is a' PERFECT ENGINE' ; an Eating Machine ;
IT'S really a Miracle of Evolution, all this Machine does, is SWIM, & EAT & Make Little SHARKS!"
The 5 or 10 minutes of help could have gone along way, but the bad will go a lot farther!!!
I would have whooped his ass.. ENOUGH SAID!
Dude deserves a return visit.
A map view would give people better idea of the whole situation... One picture replaces 1,000 words
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