Just saw this picture what a beast not sure where it was caught.
bro those jigs are bad assssssssssssss
"I am the new Shark Slayer in town"
Bro don't go within 5 miles of the Juno Pier, someone will kill you for those things
Indeed those jig heads are killer! You are liable to get shanked with a rusty switchblade for one of those!!!
the place is Navarro pier on those killer jig head are made by my friend Roy that he send them to my other friend Jorge that fishes on Navarro pier thise jig go for $ 25.00 to $ 35.00 for jig
Lake Worth pier master ,,,& cobia monster
Those damn kids at juno would steal a 50 cent bucktail...
Just an average fisherman.
25 to 35 per jig OUCH I would be affraid to use them for that price.
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