Unlimited blank Reel seat and gimbal help
Hi, I have lurked this forum for a long time, but this is my first actual post.
I am building a shark rod that will have a Avet EXW 80 strapped to it. I have the blank a gator glass Tuna72 6'0 unlimited, but can't seem to find a reel seat or gimbal to fit. On the blank that I want to mount reel seat is measured at 1.135" and the bottom where the gimble would mount is 1 1/4". I have tried aftco, but their biggest gimbal won't fit and am not sure if the 4m reel seat will work. If any of you rod builders could point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.
Try Andy over at Xgeneration Custom Rods in Lantana. I had a custom 10ft gator unlimited recently built by him and he used the massive Stuart reel seat. Works great!
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