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Spooling my 9/0

Eminent Member

Okay so it has come time for me to respool the 9/0 I got a month ago. I am still new to sharking really and just looking for some tips/suggestions.

Here is what I have though of so far.

500yrds 80# braid the rest 80# mono w/ 25ft of 130

1000 80# braid the rest 130# mono

If there is another way you would do it go ahead and make some suggestions please.
I will be fishing Boyton/Danina area with a few trips to the keys/Sebastian if that helps any.

Topic starter Posted : 03/31/2014 12:00 am
Active Member

Put 1000yards of 100lb briad the put 80 or 100lb mono to fill it the rest of the way up

Posted : 04/02/2014 4:44 pm
Estimable Member

i have my 9/0 with straight 50lb mono. i have had it that way for years and have caught some really nice sharks on it. and with machine im sure it will hold over 800 yds.

Posted : 04/02/2014 5:45 pm
Eminent Member

Thanks for the opinions guys. I went ahead and got it spooled this afternoon 700yrds 100# braid with 150-200yrds 100# mono.

Belyea I had it spooled with 50# mono previously and I just wasn't too comfortable with strength I could but on the fish. I am a bigger guy and I rather go tug for tug without smaller sharks pulling drag

Topic starter Posted : 04/02/2014 5:57 pm
Eminent Member

I've been fishing 80lb braid with a 80lb Mono top-shot on my 9/0 for the last few years, and I'm convinced it's overkill. You could definitely get away with 50lb or 60lb line.

Posted : 04/05/2014 7:00 pm
Active Member

Currently on my Senator 9/0 I have 650 yards of 60 pound Momoi's Diamond Hi-Catch. I haven't had any issues yet with sharks, then again the biggest thing to test my line was a approx 9ft lemon shark, 30min fight and it was over. I feel its comes down to where and how you fish will determine the line weight you are looking for.

Posted : 04/05/2014 10:58 pm