Spooling my 9/0
Okay so it has come time for me to respool the 9/0 I got a month ago. I am still new to sharking really and just looking for some tips/suggestions.
Here is what I have though of so far.
500yrds 80# braid the rest 80# mono w/ 25ft of 130
1000 80# braid the rest 130# mono
If there is another way you would do it go ahead and make some suggestions please.
I will be fishing Boyton/Danina area with a few trips to the keys/Sebastian if that helps any.
Put 1000yards of 100lb briad the put 80 or 100lb mono to fill it the rest of the way up
i have my 9/0 with straight 50lb mono. i have had it that way for years and have caught some really nice sharks on it. and with machine im sure it will hold over 800 yds.
Thanks for the opinions guys. I went ahead and got it spooled this afternoon 700yrds 100# braid with 150-200yrds 100# mono.
Belyea I had it spooled with 50# mono previously and I just wasn't too comfortable with strength I could but on the fish. I am a bigger guy and I rather go tug for tug without smaller sharks pulling drag
I've been fishing 80lb braid with a 80lb Mono top-shot on my 9/0 for the last few years, and I'm convinced it's overkill. You could definitely get away with 50lb or 60lb line.
Currently on my Senator 9/0 I have 650 yards of 60 pound Momoi's Diamond Hi-Catch. I haven't had any issues yet with sharks, then again the biggest thing to test my line was a approx 9ft lemon shark, 30min fight and it was over. I feel its comes down to where and how you fish will determine the line weight you are looking for.
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