Sam Scott Rod Re-Built By CapFnCrazy
After seeing what kinda rod work Doug (CaptFnCrazy) could do I decided i would let him re build any of my rods from ground up. Pictures do not do this rod any justice. It is definitely an eye catcher. We reused the triple foot fuji guides that came on the rod, it has custom grips, & a tuna block so the brace does not leave indents in the grips. It also has a new gimble with a butt cap & a new reel seat. The picture on the split grip is my 1 year old son. The rods a beast and i can't wait to give it its first work out. I'll have pictures of another 7ft blank coming soon and a Harnell spinning rod that I am letting Doug refurbish. I'm encouraging anybody in the Tampa Bay/ St Pete area to give CapFnCrazy the chance to restore your rod.. he's a very kind individual that was blessed with such an amazing talent. Thanks again Doug!
Before Pictures:
After Pictures:
James Blue
LOVE the decorative..nice work
wow dude that looks sweet damn good job
Is the photo epoxied in there?
Great looking rod and awesome personal touch.

Fine cratmanship ,and work of art best describe Doug's rod work ,,,, with a very personal touch for the angler - the baby picture!!
Great stuff ,thanks for sharing it with us and thanks to Doug for the quality work.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
Sweet looking rod James and Doug great work....Dave....yes now its time to break it in
a real work of art
Thank you everybody for the very kind words & compliments!! I took great pleasure in building this rod for you James,you deserve it & your an outstanding father!! Now your little man can go fishing with Daddy all the time!! As I said before,this has been a very long lived hobby of mine & its nice to finally get my work out there so you & others can enjoy this awesome sport. Once again,thank you guys!!
Also,a question was asked about epoxy over the picture.The last two picture are of the picture being set on split grip. It received 3 coats of color preserver to hold & seal the photo paper to the blank & then a total of 4 drams of epoxy was used to seal it up & finish it off.
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