Rod Wraps???
I plan on getting a custom shark rod once I have the money. I'm having trouble deciding what wraps to get. I'm thinking about the old-school Harnell red and yellow wraps. I have some pictures of rods I like.
Give your opinions, any if you have any suggestions post them in your reply, or drop my a line at
Tight Lines,
the tiger wrap is a newer rap and more of a modern style its one of my favorites. but it you like he older wraps i would just go with a traditional diamond
If you wanna do some looking around for ideas,here is a web site you can go on and see what other people are doing to help you better decide. you will have to register just to look around & it doesn't cost any thing. Hope this helps
are you planning on bilding? or having someone build for you?
I am planning on having it built at Juno Bait.
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