Hollow core vs solid braid
Hey all, I just recently picked up a tiagra 80w and I'm wondering if I should spool it with hollow core or solid braid, other than seamless line connections what else is hollow core good for? Is it thicker than solid braid which would lead to less line on the spool?
I have read that you will get more strands in the hollow core vs the solid. This could lead to slightly better abrasion resistance, in theory based on the opinion of the writer of the post. Seems legit.
Here fishy fishy fishy.....
Catch a fish or catch a buzz!
As you got yourself an 80W, I would definately go with hollow core. You can the do a splice to your mono, ensuring a 100% strength connection, that you know will hold come what may. With solid braid, you will always have a connection (knot), that is somewhere south of 100%, depending on the knot you use.
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