[Sticky] Harness or no Harness
Any recommendations on harnesses guys? Brands, styles?
braid power play best harness and belt i used and very comfortable.
Any recommendations on harnesses guys? Brands, styles?
Aftco Maxforce, cheaper than the braid and every bit as good
I really like the harness w/ my 14/0 and feel like it helps being able to really lean back. I built my first harness myself and it has worked well for me so far. Some guys have made fun of it but it works and I didn't shell out 300 bones for a harness! Here are some pics..
I use the old style florida shoulder harness
like Bob K mentioned earlier you can give your
hands a break and really lean back on a big fish
My gut bucket is plain leather with no cross bar
in the holder.
"after a while the native islanders called me kane mano the shark hunter."
SHARK! SHARK! Capt. Wm E. Young (circa 1933.)
"Perhaps i should not have been a fisherman...But that was the thing that i was born for..."
Aftco Maxforce, cheaper than the braid and every bit as good
that's what I use, braid plates are small and warp and the belts suck. I would have a gameface if they didn't go out of bussiness they're harnesses and plates are awesome, might fork out the dough for a smitty's plate down the road though.
Aftco Maxforce, cheaper than the braid and every bit as good
that's what I use, braid plates are small and warp and the belts suck. I would have a gameface if they didn't go out of bussiness they're harnesses and plates are awesome, might fork out the dough for a smitty's plate down the road though.
I've used a smitty plate and the belt was velcro and has a tendency to sag down when fighting a fish, which sucks. See if you can find one with a buckle instead of the velcro
I've used a smitty plate and the belt was velcro and has a tendency to sag down when fighting a fish, which sucks. See if you can find one with a buckle instead of the velcro
I won't have the belt cause of the drop straps on the harness, I like the fact that the smitty's has grooves in it for ur legs and it's huge which means more pressure on that fish of a lifetime. But it's $220
Harness, I like to be dragged by while fighting A fish!!
Harness all the way. I'm going to have to differ from Will on this one. Save up and invest some sheckles in a good quality harness. I own two Braid Power Plays. One has the bucket style harness and the other just around the lower back. I've seen too many cheap harnesses break. One of my harnesses I've had since 1989. Well worth the couple hundred dollars I've got in it.
Hell, I may soon have three. The Black Magic system http://www.blackmagic.co.nz/ looks interesting.
I once suffered from mental illness. Today, I've learned to enjoy it.
im still getting used to using a harness .. i like to sit down in the sand i feel most comfortable that way .. but there have been a few times i had to get up and move when the shark was swimming into other lines .. i just think they are uncomfortable .. i need tips on a good harness for a girl! Maybe thats my problem i need a smaller one!
not a fan of the gimbal holder by the midsection, jsut looks too funny to me
I know what you mean I never tried one of those and doubt I will..in fact, I wrap electrical tape over the gimbals on my rods I have no use for em. This way I can jam the rod up against my hip and the gimbal doesn't bother me if I am fighting the shark stand up style. But with heavier sharks and longer fights I'll sit down and stick the butt into the sand as far as I can and sit down on it. Never tried a shoulder harness either but I might get one in case of emergency.
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
John 11:26 KJB 1611 AV
the gymbal was created to compensate for rod twist and keep heavy reel from turning over on the fishermen without a harness. it makes a great pivot point and keeps the butt from moving if your strapped in.
i like to do both. depending on my mood. im all for fighting a fish with no harness with 40-50lbs of drag and battling it out till one of us gives, but sometimes after yakking out several baits and sipping a couple beers, a harness is the way to go.
Harnesses are probably one of your best assets on the beach, they minimize the stress put on your arms you you can prolong the fight so when you hook into king kong you are just that much closer to landing the beast.
2013 BHC Largest Tiger Shark
2013 BHC 2nd place Largest Shark by a Junior Angler
Much easier to do with lighter gear but when you get into a big fish on a 12,14 or 16/0 and you are into the fish an hour or more that harness can be a life saver.Cramps in your hands can render you worthless and having to pass the rod to a buddy when that world record hammer or King Kong sized Tiger comes along.I would say buy one even if its a cheap one it can really help you when least expect it.
Remember "better to have one and not need it, then to need it and not have it."
Im with Will.....I never use mine but I have it with me
"I am the new Shark Slayer in town"
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