Sharks in Boynton
Yesterday my buddy and i we went fishing off of North Jetty in Boynton Inlet, and to our surprise nobody was fishing there so, after getting all setup and ready to fish, we start hearing jumps after jumps every couple of minutes, so we brake the shark spinning rods, and sure enough, 2-3 minutes later was on. We didn't toke pictures, but we got 2 spinners and one monster black tip - over 6ft in less than 2 hours. It toke us longer to catch fresh bait than to get hit by a shark. We caught 3 runners, and all of them produce one shark. The bites were more effective at incoming tide, but the bigger one we caught it at outgoing tide.
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Ive fished there multiple times before with blue runners and had no bites. maybe ill give it a shot again sometime soon. Good report
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