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New Year Blacktips ...
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New Year Blacktips plus a Hammer

Trusted Member

Ended the year and started out the New Year with some nice fish. First up, needed some bait. The wind was wicked, waves up, crashing, which is just perfect for some nice surf jacks. Turned out I was right and loaded up.

Then I went up to the northern beaches for some spinning reel action, got into some nice Blacktips. They fought nice and hard, as usual, jumping....doing their thing. Was a blast on spinning gear! There was a lot of seaweed near the shoreline, so when I brought the fish in, the line was COVERED with a big snake, which made the landings next to impossible. So I had to spend a lot of time taking it off before I could get the sharks in...very ugly.

Next up, hit the local beach after work at night with my new Senator 12/0 on my custom made 10 foot Gator unlimited bridge rod...breaking her in. The weather was nice, water warm, cold front approaching. First, I dropped a Snook head about 300 yards that I had left over from the season. One hour later, nothing...all quiet. So I started reeling it in. As I got close to shore, I could see a shark following...don't know what it was but I thought I had one on but turns out the fish was just following the bait all the way to the shoreline, turned, and then went off on its merry way. Next up, yaked out a jack head and did a short drop....maybe 250 yards. When I got back, sat down, is when I saw the cops, about five of them, approaching from behind. They blinded their lights on me and asked me if I had seen a boat? What? No, I said, no boat. Then they saw the yak and said, oh, it's just a kayak! Someone in a condo had called the cops, reporting that a boat was going to and from the shore, dropping off drugs or was just me with my headlamp yaking! LoL. Whatever. That settled that. Just then, the Senator lights up...and I mean fires from hell. I harness up and the fight begins. The fish took almost a 1000 yards on its first run....and I thought it would be quick after that....quick for the fish or quick for me. Almost 2 hours later, run after run, north, south, strait name it, and with my reel smoking hot, I finally have her on the sand, a healthy HAMMER!! She was a fat one, too. A couple stood by and shot photos. Got the hook out easily, pulled her back into the ocean with a helping hand and off she went. All in all, a great way to start the New Year!

Topic starter Posted : 01/04/2017 7:20 pm
Honorable Member

Nice report. Lots of action there!

Here fishy fishy fishy.....
Catch a fish or catch a buzz!

Posted : 01/05/2017 8:48 am
Member Admin

Awesome Report from an awesome area,,,i love it up there.Nice Hammer ! Thanks for sharing with us .

SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger

Posted : 01/07/2017 8:05 am
Reputable Member

Dude, I think I saw you on Sebastian Inlets South Jetty on Monday. You're definitely putting in the water time!

Posted : 01/08/2017 12:58 pm
Trusted Member

Dude, I think I saw you on Sebastian Inlets South Jetty on Monday. You're definitely putting in the water time!

Hey, man, that's what it's all about, putting your time in. Sebastian is only an hour away from me, so not so much trouble going up that way for a little fishing. Actually, I thought Monday was like any other weekday, not so crowded, but I was wrong, holiday city! Place got very crowded, so I split.

Topic starter Posted : 01/09/2017 3:53 pm
snook hunter
Noble Member

Strong looking Fish


Posted : 01/09/2017 5:05 pm