Cuda Patrol
Went out with Mike (FishinFool91) and my wife (needs to get a SFSC account) on Monday in search of stud jacks cruising the beach. They were there but we missed our shot at them unfortunately. The ones that are here right now are absolutely massive. Mike saw a big dark torpedo following his x-rap just below the surface and yelled for me to bring the cuda tube. The big cuda nailed my tube immediately but I didn't hook up. I threw right back out and this time it was ON. It was a great fight on my smaller spinning setup, but the 50 lb. braid help up well. This was the first custom cuda tube that I have made, so that made it even sweeter. I have made a bunch more since this day, cause I've got the itch to slay cud's now. I'm using standard surgical tubing, 44lb wire, 1/2 ounce egg sinker, and size #2 trebles.
Y'all enjoy the pictures. The cuda taped out at 48 inches and weighed in at just around 30 lbs. Shoutout to Mike and the random spear fisherman in the background for helping with the landing.
Jack slayer
Nice cudas!
Colby Uva : Bullbuster Team Captain
SFSC-Tagging/Fishing Science Coordinator
Beast cuda!
Here fishy fishy fishy.....
Catch a fish or catch a buzz!
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