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9ft Bull with some ...
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9ft Bull with some Popo probs

Prominent Member

Finally got back out sharking and decided to try out a new beach with Eddie and the president of the UM fishing club Scott Rose. We put out to big cudas and an Aj head. We've been sitting there for about two hours when a cop pulls up and starts clearing cars from the parking lot to "close the lot". We move our cars to a parking lot nearby and stay on the beach. There is some guy next to us who had set up a tent and a whole camping site on the beach so it was taking him extra long to clear the beach, and the cop parks his car behind the guy to wait for him to finish packing up. The cop probably would have never seen us until my 80 wide goes off and it goes off fast!

I run to the 80 wide and set the hook, handing it to Scott because he has yet to catch a big shark. Immediately the cop starts harassing us about getting off the beach saying "The park is closed and I don't have time for this" So Eddie and I start reeling in the other rods, and packing up the kayak etc. Meanwhile the shark is screaming drag off the 80wide. Once we have everything packed up, I go to talk to the cop and try to buy us some time. His answer to me is " Do you want to go to jail over a fish? You have 5 minutes to get off the beach or I am calling for backup".

So I run down to Scott, we lock the drag up as tight as we can and literally grab the line itself and help him on the reel. We get the shark in pretty quick by this method, but not without tearing up our hands. She comes in and she's really big well over after seeing many Bulls I would put her somewhere between 8'10'' and 9'. We didn't take any measurements or take a picture. We released her and got off the beach quick.

Colby Uva : Bullbuster Team Captain
Buy Fishing Line Online and get half off retail prices at!

SFSC-Tagging/Fishing Science Coordinator

Topic starter Posted : 01/20/2015 12:47 pm
Member Admin


SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger

Posted : 01/20/2015 1:09 pm
seaweed the khahuna
Honorable Member

Wow!! Great story!! Sorry about the herrasment

Posted : 01/24/2015 7:52 pm
Reputable Member

Finally got back out sharking and decided to try out a new beach with Eddie and the president of the UM fishing club Scott Rose. We put out to big cudas and an Aj head. We've been sitting there for about two hours when a cop pulls up and starts clearing cars from the parking lot to "close the lot". We move our cars to a parking lot nearby and stay on the beach. There is some guy next to us who had set up a tent and a whole camping site on the beach so it was taking him extra long to clear the beach, and the cop parks his car behind the guy to wait for him to finish packing up. The cop probably would have never seen us until my 80 wide goes off and it goes off fast!

I run to the 80 wide and set the hook, handing it to Scott because he has yet to catch a big shark. Immediately the cop starts harassing us about getting off the beach saying "The park is closed and I don't have time for this" So Eddie and I start reeling in the other rods, and packing up the kayak etc. Meanwhile the shark is screaming drag off the 80wide. Once we have everything packed up, I go to talk to the cop and try to buy us some time. His answer to me is " Do you want to go to jail over a fish? You have 5 minutes to get off the beach or I am calling for backup".

So I run down to Scott, we lock the drag up as tight as we can and literally grab the line itself and help him on the reel. We get the shark in pretty quick by this method, but not without tearing up our hands. She comes in and she's really big well over after seeing many Bulls I would put her somewhere between 8'10'' and 9'. We didn't take any measurements or take a picture. We released her and got off the beach quick.

That's what's in the PDs today, it's what they want,
got it straight from a lawyer who defends the mutts, he says that's the type they want, they 'd rather take the lower scoring ,"head buster" type ,than the higher scoring ,motivated , 'want-to -help-people ,type
easier to brainwash, no problem doing dirty work
same all over,

"What We are dealing with here, is a' PERFECT ENGINE' ; an Eating Machine ;
IT'S really a Miracle of Evolution, all this Machine does, is SWIM, & EAT & Make Little SHARKS!"

Posted : 01/26/2015 10:38 pm
Noble Member

That really stinks Colby. At least you got a Big Bull Shark. Would have been nice to gets pics

Posted : 02/04/2015 2:24 pm