Pre Big Hammer-Hammer 10 foot 1 inch

Preparing for the Big Hammer Challenge tourney every year robs alot of my time and frustrates me because while everyone is getting into the springtime shark bite I typically am overwhelmed with tournament related chores but some how I always find the time to get out and pre-tournament fish.I had it in my mind that this week I would fish one way or another this would be the week we try the One Minute Shark Release Drill and so yesterday I talked to Shannon early and we agreed to shark fish.
By the time I get to the beach just after sundown Shannon is already set up on the beach with his 7 month pregnant wife Enoe ,his 4 year old daughter Brianna and two high school friends .We get set up and a few hours later Shannons short drop, frozen cuda, 3rd rod 12/0 gets hit and it's on.In typical hammer fashion the shark plays with the bait a few times,drops it before before commiting and charging at which point Shannon says 'It's a Hammer' he knows!!Me I'm thinking this may be a nurse it's been playing with the bait so many times but there is no doubt that this is a hammer when Shannon strikes the fish the spool is turning fast and by golly "it is a Hammer".
I'm running thru my mental checklist tailrope,flashlight,camera,pliers,etc,etc,etc.The shark feels heavy on the rod and takes drag from the Penn 12/0 and I put the shoulder harness on Shannon to lighten the load from the powerful fish and Shannon masterfully works the shark but then all of a sudden he thinks he's lost it but I say 'no!! reel!!,reel!!,reel!! he's charging'and after many turns of the reel handle he catches up to the CHarging BEast FRom the EAst and Shannon is elated to still be tied on to his big fish.
I'm in the water leader in hand, and DAMMIT i forgot to put the gloves on so the #19 wire is cutting into my hands , and the heavy hammer's thrashing feels like my shoulders are being ripped out of there sockets.I gotta let go of the swivel but I improvise I take the loose end of the tail rope and wrap it around the swivel and now i've got a good grip and i'm back peddaling shark in tow and Shannon and Luis come to my aid ,,,done deal.Time to haul ass i'm commandeering everyone to hurry ,please hurry so we can get her back out into the deep blue of KING KONG beach..
Shannon gets hooked up
the best action shot of the night--this was a feisty 10 footer
the ONE MINUTE DRILL has been TRIED and has been proven to work
the big hammer swiftly swims away
Sometimes the short drop with the frozen bait wins out over the fresh 30 lb Amberjack cut in half on the long drop.Hammers OFTEN RUN THE NEAR SHORE GUT so take note boys and girls.The rest of the night was completely uneventful except for the good conversation with very dear friends under a starry night with a cool spring breeze blowing.....Pure Florida Heaven.
It's gonna be a good Big Hammer Challenge!
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
Nice Hammer! congrats!
Dan Tabtabai - 941-387-4110
Awesome catch. Will what advice would you have for the proper "1 minute" release. What did you learn from this catch?
Team HUGE Gear Captain
Amazing post and those are some cool actoin shots with the tail throwing water like that BIG THUMBS UP!!!!!

I learned that like anything you wanna be good at in sports "you have to PRACTICE" and you should go over the steps in your head before you actually do it.Know what everyone's role in the Catch will be, and then don't be afraid to take control and shout out the commands just like in the heat of battle there is a commanding officer ,the person with the most expierience should be willing to take charge and push the pace.
Putting together a good Shark Team takes practice and individuals willing and able to go thru the fire ,work together well,and sometimes take calculated risk to achieve a goal.Good soldiers need battle training and there is no substitute for Live Fire training on the beach tackling big sharks ,sharpening skills and "gittin er dun"!!.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
Good catch !!!!!
2012 BTC 2nd Place Largest Shark
2012 January Sharker of The Month
2012 BHC 4th Place Largest Shark
2014 February Sharker of The Month
Awesome hammer guys!
"He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life: but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction" (Proverbs 13:3).
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Great hammer
so sweet
guys-----its just two weeks away before the BHC starts-----this figures to be the biggest and best prepaired teams in lbsf EVER----GOOD LUCK TO everyone---lets show the world how its done with grace and honor with respect to our loved sport
Thank you everybody!!! And yes!!! It feels good to be apart of something so big!!! So special!!!!
It is great to see another one of your reports again Will they are always top of the line.
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
John 11:26 KJB 1611 AV
very nice cacth there shannin i see you are getting ready to break thath record good luckk to you and you guys and you too mamaooooooo
"THATS GOOD SH$T"!!!!!!!!
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