Top three sharks in the 2007 Big Hammer Challenge
there is a topic posted here with the results of the big hammer challenge 2007 tournament, but i need to log in with another fishing forum (that isnt letting me create an account, and i cant get a hold on the moderators). If anybody can tell me the size or weight of the top 3 sharks caught in the 2007 Big Hammer Challenge (largest sharks caught division), i would really appreciate it. I need this information for a study being done at the university of miami. Thanks to all for your time
Also, for those of you who are wondering (and privately messaged me), my name is Leandro Alvarez. Im a senior at Mast Academy who has been interning at U.M. with Dr. Niel Hammerschlag. He has asked me to create a database with infromation on shark tournaments from this year, and previous years. We are making this database to see how the removal of large sharks may be affecting other fish populations. The more information i find, the more accurate our predictions, so its very crucial for me to find this information.
Answer=The weights were calculated using the standard formula with fork measurements and girth measurements,Off the top of my head the Tiger I think was 10 foot 4 inch ,the second place hammer was 10 foot 7 inch and the bull was 8 foot 6 inch
1st place ........TIGER......#381
2nd place.........HAMMERHEAD.....#372
3rd place...........BULL.....#360
Hope this helps!
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