[Sticky] Team 'true blue' Pier Mako JAN 2013
Thanks for all the good replies. I work a seasonal job so I'm lucky enough to have a few months off during the winter. I take full advantage of it. I guess my work ethics gets me there most days. I'm used to going to work every day so I treat fishing like a job. I coordinate several fishermen. ORCA is the shit though. Makes shark fishin easy. There has been over 200 sharks caught off baits ran by ORCA. I had spotted a big mako the first week I was off early in the morning. Well I got up at 4:30 every morning for 6 weeks watching. Leave bout dark usually. Iv slacked up a bit now, I just try to make it by 8am. I skip out some weekends. There is someone to fish with me most every day. We have had a bad Bonita run this year so bait is running low. I guess that means more time in the zodiac this year. Every one on the pier contributes to the bait supply. Tom Thorp caught the fresh Bonita the mako ate. It's appreciated!
Land Based World Record #5 short fin Mako 700lbs
Land Based World Record #8 Tiger shark 928lbs
Land Based World Record #9 Tiger shark 949lbs
SFSC Panhandle Events Coordinator
Amazing too see you know have 3 makos!!
I'm not trying to claim Sean Watson's mako but his was the first one for us. He and I caught it off the beach. It was 9'8". It opened our eyes and got our attention. From that point on things took a more serious state of mind. That makes 4.
Land Based World Record #5 short fin Mako 700lbs
Land Based World Record #8 Tiger shark 928lbs
Land Based World Record #9 Tiger shark 949lbs
SFSC Panhandle Events Coordinator
Congratulations! Amazing story and accomplishment. Three or four land based Makos is amazing. One would be a fish-of-a-lifetime for most.
That's a great story and description and a great land based catch..makes me want to put some baits out right now
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
John 11:26 KJB 1611 AV
NICE MAKO! That's a SHARK everybody wants to hook;
There was a story in SALTWATER SPORTSMAN a few years ago about a big mako these guys on a cabin Fisherman caught, & that MAKO took thier boat APART,
They ended up on the top deck& hanging off the ladder to get away from that MAKO while it demolished the Boat
I wish I could find it to put on site it was really hysterical , that MAKO did everything it could to even the score!!
"What We are dealing with here, is a' PERFECT ENGINE' ; an Eating Machine ;
IT'S really a Miracle of Evolution, all this Machine does, is SWIM, & EAT & Make Little SHARKS!"
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