[Sticky] Seaweed -South Beach free spirit & it's best Spearfishermen
Hey, I just came across this page and remember a lot of great days down there with your father, mother and Jesse, wondering what ever happened to Pete Gekas... Judging by the looks of Lil Weed I am guessing Lindsey is your mother. Your mother was very kind and generous with me in my teen years. She used to let me stay there when my mom kicked me out of the house. I hope that she would remember me. If she has an e-mail ask her to e-mail me at sensationalsherrysmf@yahoo.com. I used to go fishing and shrimping with your father back in the day off of 5th street bridge. I loved those days and will always treasure the memories. My name is Sherry BTW. I was very saddened to hear about your fathers untimely departure from us. Take care and MUCH LOVE!!!!
I am sorry, I said Lindsey but I meant Lindy, spell check auto corrected it. So sorry!!!!
I love the history here. I someday wish to leave a similar legacy. My family are from Chicago but I am a Floridian. We have a different type of legacy (Law enforcement, Jarheads, and Soldiers). Myself being a Marine I admire the comradery and commitment and morals that you guys show here. You guys have excellent role models here and hope "the boys" take note of the moral example that you guys set forth. Thank you guys for being there for "The boys"!
Go big Or go home!
good mamories WILL and all the people who replayed here....love to hear old school stories
"I am the new Shark Slayer in town"
Hello sherry,
Yes linde and seaweed are both of my parents and sadly she passed away as well. Just hearing the kind words from you and many others about my parents puts a smile on my face. It's also something nice to pass on to my wife whom never got a chance to meet them. If you have any detailed stories you would like to share on our website please do so. It keeps linde and seaweeds free spirits and rememberance alive. My email is Shannon.bustamante@yahoo.com
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