[Sticky] (2016) 12 Years since the South Florida Shark King passed
In my opinion Rene De Dios was the best shark fisherman ever, not just because I liked him, and not just because of the size of sharks he caught, but because of his ambition, dedication and his love for the sport, there is no doubt in my mind that he wanted that monster shark more than anybody on earth, He spoke to me several times on how he got the short end of the stick with that monster shark he fought for 14 hours in the Bahamas that capsized the boat, and of a monster tiger shark he fought on south beach pier for 6 and a half hours only to have the handle on his 14/0 to break in two and see the beast take him under and pop him off because he didn’t have a handle to turn, Rene and I were good friends and I respected him a lot, and now its time for me to pay my respects and tell everyone the story of the time I spent with Rene when he was alive.
I first met Rene De Dios on May of 1996; I was camping in Knights Key in Marathon FL with my father, and my cousin Will the owner of this website was to meet us in Knights key with his 23' ft. open fisherman to do some shark fishing off the Marathon Humps. My cousin arrived early the next morning towing his boat; my father and I were waiting by the ramp when my cousin Will and a much smaller man exited the vehicle. My father leaned over and whispered to me "do you know who that is?" I said “no, who is he?” my father said "That is a very famous shark fisherman Rene De Dios he used to win many shark tournaments and he has some IGFA world records, he even flipped a boat over fighting a monster shark in the Bahamas" I said to myself damn sounds exiting, I couldn't help to wonder how does a man 5'5 150lbs soak and wet fights these monster sharks? I kept the thoughts to myself and next thing I know its was time to head out to the humps of Marathon and off we went. To make a long story short the boat started to heat up about 19 miles out on the way to the hump so we did a U-turn and while returning to land we found a big floating log and caught several Dolphin under it, after we reeled in the 17th dolphin we decided to head back and called it a day. After my cousin introduced me to Rene officially we exchanged numbers and we all went on our separate ways with our fresh fish to eat.
Shortly after the Marathon hump trip my father and I began to invite Rene to go fishing with us, at the time my father had a 23’ft walk around and we began to go fishing with Rene more and more often, we went to places like Molasses reef and Bahia Honda reef. Rene began to grow very fond of my father and I and us of him, and what the future had in store for me was to be Rene's #1 sharking partner. I was only 13 at the time and Rene had taken me under his wing, I began to learn his skills and techniques with precision, I was like a sponge, what he spoke of I listened, what he showed I observed, I only had a 9/0 at the time, and after a few months of fishing with him, Rene called my father and said “it's time for the kid to get a bigger reel he needs a 12/0" so for my 14th b-day I received a new 12/0 senator packed with 125lb test, and soon approaching was a Bahamian trip in my father's 23' boat for 7 days and 7 nights, you heard it right, a week with no hotels no a/c just HARD CORE FISHING for those of you who think Rene only shark fished guess again check this out!!!
Here it is July of 1997 Ocean Cay Bahamas and we caught unlimited yellow tail some as big as 5lbs, black groupers from 10-15lbs Monster King fish two of them over 40lbs one over 50lbs. Using live yellowtail on a 9/0’s we hooked some even bigger that almost striped the 9/0 to the knot. Rene got more than 20 reef sharks during this trip. Also, we caught several big lemon sharks one of them 9’1 and my first tiger shark 7’4 at the age of 14 years old, for me it was a big accomplishment, thanks to Rene whom guided me through every step of the way. Thank you Rene!!!
Nice Kingfish
Big Kingfish
My first AmberJack
Nice grouper
Another Nice Black Grouper
52lbs Kingfish
The first time we go back to Bimini just for ice, after being anchored 4 days in the same spot. Look at all the fish coming out the cooler in the background.
another Kingfish
Rene's 9'1 Lemon shark entered into the Met
My first tiger 7'4
Rene's crazy A$$ swimming with my tiger
Now its time for me to get my first fish over 300lbs. Its April of 1998 and I get my first big bull shark 8’4 355lbs. Again, Rene by my side guided me how to work that big fish in the notorious ripping current of Long key bridge. Me to the right my brother to the left.
Now its time for me to bump up my game, I was 15 years old and on the way to the Bahamas again with Rene my mentor and my father for 4 days and 4nights to hunt my first Great hammer, I got this 10’4 inch hammer on a dead boat (meaning anchored at all times during the fight) with my 12/0, and Rene who was screaming at me like a drill sergeant at war, as I got my A$$ whipped all over the boat by this powerful male hammer notice the photo Rene attending his reel while another Hammer bigger than mine was hitting his bait while we are taking pictures of my shark. Crazy the picture was take on July 5 1998 exactly 5 years to the day before Rene passed away.
My father getting some Kingfish action
After these few years passed Rene’s training had turned me into a beast of a shark fisherman, I was now programmed and focused, landing monster bull sharks at the age of 15 back to back off these bridges like a walk in the park, using his unique techniques and skills of muscling in these monster bull sharks between these telephone poles, lobster buoys and current from hell, Rene even gave me one of his 16/0’s as a gift after seeing how much I progressed as a shark fisherman. Check out some of the pictures I found laying around of when I actually had a camera with me.
One of my many big bull sharks caught with Rene
One of Rene's many big bull sharks
Rene and I were on the news channels 4,6,7,10 and Telemundo. Rene loved publicity good times Famous!!!
My good Buddy Varune Rajmoolie a respectable shark fisherman with one of his big bulls, he also fished with Rene and I. He is currently on a hiatus. We will soon see him back in the swing of sharking
My biggest Bull shark ever the sharks length soared over 9'2 after I laid my custom 9/0 rod next to it a least by 6 inches (estimated) the sharks jaws were sold to the biggest shark jaw collector in the world Dr Hubble he commented "those are the biggest Bull shark jaws I have ever seen". Varune a buddy of mine and I couldn't even pull this beast out of the water whole. MONSTER!! The picture gives it no justice
Same shark with Varune posing in it you can appreciate the length better
JOHN 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Then came the sad part in Rene’s life, in August of 2001 Rene had a massive stroke leaving nearly the whole left side of his body completely paralyzed. He was even unconscious for several weeks, it was heartbreaking for me and my father and several others, he got slightly better over the months but could not regain strength on his left side. He eventually began to get very depressed due to his condition and on July 5th of 2003 he had a heart attack and passed away, it was very sad. My father who sings in quartet for several churches asked for a member in his group whom is a pastor to come and talk to Rene roughly 2 months before Rene passed away, and one of the questions the pastor asked Rene was “do you believe that Jesus died on the cross for you?” Rene looked at him and said “yes”. The pastor then asked him do you take Jesus as your personal savior Rene looked at him and said “yes”. The pastor then looked at him smiled and said than shake my hand brother for I will see you in heaven to live a eternal life.
JOHN 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
You hear that ladies and gentlemen???? That is all we have to do, so whether you love that bottle of alcohol or drugs or whether or not you have those lustful thoughts or actions, no matter what your demon is, you don’t have to be a bible thumper or church goer whoever believes in him shall have eternal life, and one day we can all go to heaven and fish the best beaches we have ever seen, and we can fish next to people like Herb Goodman, Rene De Dios and live in a place where stealing, envy, jealously, hate, disease, pain, suffer, and fear does not exist. I hope to see all of you there because I plan on going. God bless Rene the King of Sharks and may he rest in peace.
i wish could have fished with him once it would have been a great pleasure. regardless he was a great fisherman and his memory will live on. Thank you for this post
Thanks for the fantastic post. Rene was one of a kind.
Not fortunate to meet Rene, but only good things from both you and my cousin ... everything I know about fishing has come from you and my cousin, who learn from Rene ... soon we will be back out their fishing in his honor
Awesome report with much insight from the perspective of a young man who debveloped under the watchful eye of the "shark king" himself.Thank you Will so very much for taking the time to remember and share with us the story of Rene de Dios.
Still after so many years i can hear his voice and remember his antics while shark fishing both on land and on a boat the most flamboyant ,obsessed EXTREME SHARK HUNTER ever- like no other before or after.Rene had a way of infecting people with his shark fishing disease and I was one of the ones that followed him,learned from him and even taught him some tricks of my own like using a rope from the Bahia Honda bridge or navigating to the Bahamas and then eventually became his nemesis but I always was mesmerized by his story telling ,his ability to captivate an audience,his complete passion and surrender to his sport,his total and complete dedication ;in my mind it was what pushed him to excel beyond the grasp of anyone in the shark fishing world and was to be his fatal end.He gave everything up for his shark fishing .
Even now after so many years I am searching for the ingredients that made up the personality that drew so many people to him because If i had that i would be able to draw more hard core shark fisherman into the sport but there was only one Rene and he lives in our memories and can not be replaced .
Rene and I on a Miami Herald expedition to fish for sharks in the Bahamas(1991).
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
Thanks everyone, I sit back and look at these pictures and just can't believe how fast time passes us. For me to think that some of those pictures were taken more than a decade ago is scary to me. Just looking at the pictures makes me want to go fishing right now, My new goal is to loose weight and fish more often, sometimes my stressful job gets the best of me, and keeps me at home and away from fishing, but not anymore its on!!!!!
I 😀 I was the lucky to meet rene when he was fourteen years old. He had to pay his dues like any one just starting out. Him and his pal Ricky or White Owl had to take out our bates any way they could, including swimmming. I was with Rene when he caught his first shark with my 6'0 and harnell rod. All he had was a penn 4'0. The student fastly became better then the teacher. I was also was lucky enough to be with him with his last shark he ever caught. I am proud of that fact-JD Hammer
Still miss the man ,my friend and one of very best that ever caught a shark from land.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
fhats a nice report from you guys .i also missed him and wish he dint have to leave this earth so soon ,i was just out of the hosoital my self and thank god one more time he try to fixed mine up mone more times .i amm sorry i missed the seven miles experience this monhth
i hope to do a litte fishing with some one of you guys i will try to get togethere with you guys i lost my cell phone i will put my new number at soon as possibled .hey janet i also heard you got hurt i hope you are feeling bettor soon ok thank you guys
Glad to hear that you are out of the hospital. I hope you are feeling much better! You & your family are in my prayers. Jerry & I missed the Halloween Hammer Hunt because of my bicycle accident. I have a broken clavicle, pelvis, & hip. I'm going stir crazy sitting in the house & hope to do some snapper fishing as soon as I can stand up & start to begin walking again. The doctor says that I can't go back to work until January, Julio. I lived in a world of pain the first couple of weeks, but it is gradually getting better everyday. Kiss Jordan for me.
well, i was thinking one night, i think i remember some of my friends [and i googled one of their names-rene i think it was and i found this website]. and so when i moved down from NYC with my parents, and settled on south beach, i was into fishing already so it was nice to have a fishing pier not too far from where i lived. [having been down here in south fla since 1971] havent shark hunted in years now, but even though i sold my 12/0 and 14/0 years ago now , i still have some shark hunting gear. I would love to get back into sharkfishing..sure!
I remember also someone that went by the name JIMBO, and this other guy that went by the name rene [my past long time friend, and fello sharkfisherman], rene usta hang with a taller blonde guy, dont remember his name at the moment. we all usta go down in this guys van, a guy named DAVE, or his nick name was rabbit i think..its been a long time now. Dave had a white van, he usta drive us sometimes down to sharkfish in the KEYS..... oh well.
thing is, i think i would like to start sharkfishing again, what ya think.. can i join?
Gone but not forgotten the impact he had on many of us that knew him helped shape our shark fishing techniques/styles.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
i wish he was still with us would have been great to meet somebody that is so dedicated
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