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2009 & 2010 Halloween Hammer Hunt (7 miler)Fri Oct 15-Oct 17

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Member Admin

Just picked up a 45 lb Ameberjack,a 20 lb Aj and a 10 lb cuda fresh from the charter boats so we're ready for some monster action tommorow.Hope to see you all out there .

SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger

Topic starter Posted : 10/14/2010 5:35 pm
Estimable Member

good luck guys, catch a monster :D

Posted : 10/14/2010 5:46 pm
Prominent Member

I'm guna be up in orlando this weekend but I'm looking foward to seeing all the pics and hearing the stories.

Colby Uva : Bullbuster Team Captain
Buy Fishing Line Online and get half off retail prices at!

SFSC-Tagging/Fishing Science Coordinator

Posted : 10/14/2010 7:47 pm
South Beach Seaweed
Noble Member

Sell out

SFSC -East Coast Events Coordinator

Posted : 10/14/2010 8:26 pm
Prominent Member

Jerry & I won't be able to come this year. I had a bad bicycle accident & broke my clavicle & pelvis. I'm in a world of hurt, but I'll be thinking about everybody this weekend. Prayers are much appreciated at this time.

Posted : 10/15/2010 6:41 am
Reputable Member

Good luck guys, cant wait to hear about it!

Posted : 10/15/2010 7:06 am
Member Admin

Our prayers are with you Janet(fishergirl) and your family.Time heals all wounds,,,,,,hang in there kiddo.

SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger

Topic starter Posted : 10/15/2010 10:02 am
South Beach Seaweed
Noble Member

Awww damnnn Aunt Janet.......Hope you get bettter soon...

SFSC -East Coast Events Coordinator

Posted : 10/15/2010 12:11 pm
Estimable Member

Well...I went to fuel my 2 tanks on my truck last night in hopes of heading down this afternoon to do some fishing & meet the club members this week end only to find out my card was declined. This morning I went to the bank to see WTH was going on & found out that my other half has been on a major spending I wont be making it down for the Halloween trip. I do know that my son & a few of his friends might be heading out tonight. If he makes it down,please keep him inline & safe. Wish I could have made this trip,but I've gotta stand down this time cause a roof over our head is more important right now. Good luck everybody & a safe & fun trip for all. I'll be looking forward to your reports & pictures.

Fishergirl,good luck & a fast recovery for you too hon,Your one of a kind & this sport needs a woman like you

Posted : 10/15/2010 12:28 pm
Member Admin

We will have on hand and for sale 2010 South Florida Shark Club shirts both long and short sleeved as well 2010 Big Hammer Challenge long sleeved shirts for sale.We are on a fund raising campaign to collect funds for the end of the year Awards Ceremony/party and for the purchase of the trophies and prizes we give out on said day.The shirts are on sale for $20 EACH SO IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED SEE US ON THE BRIDGE.THANKS AND GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE ANGLERS PARTICIPATING.

SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger

Topic starter Posted : 10/15/2010 1:20 pm
clack clack clack
Noble Member

yeaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ILL BE THERE TONIGHT AROUND 11PM LETS GO GET EM

2011 NO LIMIT TOURNAMENT CHAMPION 2nd year in a row
2010 BHC biggest hammerhead shark on 80 lb test
2010 BHC 3rd and 5th place biggest shark
2010 april sharker of the month
2009-2010 Rookie of the year

Posted : 10/15/2010 4:49 pm
South Beach Seaweed
Noble Member

Just got Wordf from will and they are landing a big 4lb snapper as we speak and already got a black tip.......

Everybody joining us tomorow, do not make saturday night dinner plans, im bringing 4 snook fillets,hammers bringing 2 more, and i just made my famous avagatro sauce for dipping.

Also making a 30 person serving huge pot of yellow rice..................................

We will Feast tomorow so stay hungry......................

SFSC -East Coast Events Coordinator

Posted : 10/15/2010 10:04 pm
clack clack clack
Noble Member

yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!just got back from the halloween hammer hunt and we did great. there was big grovers, jacks, tarpons, rays,macks, great food and plenty of sharks. will has alot more pics than i do, anybody who didnt make it missout on big fun!!!!!!!!!! i wanna thank mark "slasherx" for showing me a bunch of new tricks and baits this guy is a hardcore fisherman he must have walked up and down the seven mile bridge 7 times fishing for rays,jacks snapper and macks this guy is going to be a monster when he gets his car i wanna also thank will for everything that he dose for us he fed like 25 people, he always comes ready for anything ya tu sabe pana
joe from the dirty south shark hunters gets hooked up

1st shark a black tip

joes 2nd shark

its a lemon

we gaff the the secondary hook to better control the shark before release

joe landed the lemon

no way!!Joe is hooked up again

another lemon for joe

kevin removing the hooks from the shark

everybody while joes fight the shark

this is just a taste of what the dirty south shark hunter are going to do next year in the big hammer challange

2011 NO LIMIT TOURNAMENT CHAMPION 2nd year in a row
2010 BHC biggest hammerhead shark on 80 lb test
2010 BHC 3rd and 5th place biggest shark
2010 april sharker of the month
2009-2010 Rookie of the year

Posted : 10/17/2010 2:46 pm
Noble Member

You got some nice shots raymundo, thanks for all the publicity :lol: , lookin forward to see the pics willie has in store for us.

P.S. we gotta fish more often

Just an average fisherman.

Posted : 10/17/2010 4:10 pm
Member Admin

We came together once again to target some big fish and spend some good times with friends .On this occasion we got some good fishing but the monster sharks eluded us.The first day the wind blew hard and after nightfall the wind reminded us that old man winter is on the way.Snapper fishing with the hardcore snapper chasers like Lui,Albert Mark and Rey proved to be fairly productive with different techniques by different anglers producing some nice catches.Some caught the snaps with live bait ,hile others caught them with cut bait ,still others always willing to experiment with new techniques also caught a few nice fish.Lui Iglesias came up with a systems of catching snapper with small almost invisible gold hooks set up in a chicken rig baited with fresh squid.
On the sec ond day the wind slowed and the water got crystal clear so creating some shade became a priority for the older tired fisherman in the group(I included)Breakfast lunch and dinner became an opputunity to gather at the twin makeshift kitchens for a hot meal served from a propane Coleman stove.A cold drink ,a warm meal and old war stories of the one that got away and the many that did'nt brought smiles and laughter for those breaking bread together.We were ready with big fresh baits but the smaller local offerings of jack crevalle and ladyfish proved to be the winning combination on these two days of hard core shark fishing.The outgoing tide pushing in the same direction as the strong wind was the tide that produced all 4 sharks(2 blacktips,2 lemons) that were caught during the 2 day long event.Strangely enough no sharks were hooked or caught on the much prefered incoming Gulf tide.The new bridge less then 200 yards away on the outgoing tide makes it very difficult to land a large shark but on the incoming tide there are no bridges on the Gulf side to cut off our heavy line .Water temps are starting to drop and patterns of summertime sharking are changing with the seasons.Species more common in spring and summer like the big bulls are becoming less abundant but occasionaly do show up

Lui and his gold hook technique with results _a fat mangrove snapper

Mark (slasher4x) gets hooked up on a large nurse shark during the first night of fishing using a mackeral for bait

the oldtimers picture time has Lui,Albert and Tony grinning with anticipation of action to come

Big Bait equals big bights but not on this night

Ballooning a bait in the current but against the wind takes patience and know-how and on the first night it was a tricky siituation that we overcame but with the non-positive results.Like I stated before all the shark action was on the outgoing Atlantic tide and on Saturday morning's outgoing Joe was hooked up early with one of there small fresh baits.Team Dirty South Shark Hunters were on fire this weekend while the big bait shark hunters had to sit back and let the young team school us a bit.Youth ,Vigor and thinking outside the box is something that comes natural to these squirly young badasses.My hats off to them I'm like a proud father watching them grow and improve and teaching us that there are different ways of doing things,,,,,I for one keep an open mind to all there experimenting and take notes when i see them being productive when we are stagnant using our methods.These boys are a force to reckon with and we expect many good things from them in the coming years of land-based shark fishing

Team Dirty South Shark Hunter's Joe Clausell gets hooked up in the morning while his brother Rey eggs him on

"Get the rods outta the way" Joe cries out as the shark takes him down the bridge

The almost 8 foot lemon puts up a good fight before Joe is able to take control

Joe works hard to get the lemon shark released

some of the help Joe had in walking and releasing his Lemon shark

While most slept in Saturday morning the young and restless Mark and Rey were down at the end of the bridge searching for snapper and and other gamefish.Mark spent alot of time passing along techniques learned from JD Hammer to others on this outing.There hard work half a mile down from our base camp paid off nicely.

Mark and Rey take a picture of a small tarpon before releasing back into the water

Lunchtime on the 7 mile mile bridge meant we were going to have ribs and corn on the bar b q

Lui's tries tries to catch us some good eating fish for our big Fish fry

Saturday the wind started slowing down and the water flowing in from the Atlantic was gin clear and anyone walking towards the parking lot end of the bridge would see the beauty and assortment of fish that live in this wonderful place and it's surrounding flats and deep channels.We saw turtles eating crustaceans off the concrete pilings ,saw a five foot wide eagle ray slowly kicking up mud as it scavenged over a low water flat,saw schools of herring and mackeral darting in and out of the shadow line cast by the bridge and we saw many snapper and grouper mixed with tropical reef fish darting in and out of caves created by pockets of coral reef and broken concrete rubble.The day was as beautiful as it was hot when the wind died we found some ways to relax and stay in the shade to recoup energy for the night time fishing and feasting while some of the younger livelier ones kept right on fishing without worrying about the consequences of the southern sun beating down .Tents that kept us warm the night before were now unbearable steam baths without the wind blowing so creative shade finding and cool drinks were on our minds as the afternoon wore on.

this picture does not do justice to the beauty of the reefs along the pilings of the 7 mile bridge

You can see the mangrove snapper in this picture but at one point the water got so clear that the chum we were dropping was not anticing any bites from the snaps and other reef dwellers

the view of the other side of the 7 mile bridge looking towards the Marathon side

Tony and his wife Isabela with a jack that became fresh shark bait

Albert and Lui goof off with Jd's undersized grouper

As the sun went down on the second day the last group of participants showed up to make our fish fry that night all the merrier.These reunions are made great by those who attend and whether we catch fish or not becomes secondary to the good time we have just hanging out ,eating and drinking and reliving past times .On this special occasion I carefully prepared salmon and tuna sashimi appetizers and also fixed a teriyaki steak and pepper appetizer for everyone to enjoy.Lui on the other hand was whipping up his more traditional Jasmine rice and fried pork chops .The tides came and went and the sharks were not cooperating but every once in a while someone would catch a fat snapper to add to the big bags of snook fillets being brought by Shannon and JD Hammer for our collective fish-fry later that night.The radio played ,kids danced and sunburned fisherman shared cold concoctions under the star lit night and cool breeze that shook off our bodies the days fish grime sweat mixture.If some far away aliens-- light years away were looking and scoping us out with there powerful telescopes they would see a magical cosmic moment ,quite a rarity; we were eathlings at our best in this peaceful and joyous moment.

a toast to good times and a prayer to the shark gods

the fish is prepared with the Shannons secret fish batter and readied for the deep fryer

the deep fryer is ready to go

Baby Brianna dances and Tyrell follows

After our feast it's back to fishing once again and several bonnethead and Atlantic sharpnose sharks are caught and Albert catches with my help (i grabbed his rod as it was getting yanked over the rail)the biggest snapper of this outing a 17 inch fatty that Albert is taking home for his wife.We are very grateful for everyone that made it out to this gathering and are always inviting with open arms new fisherman who want to share good times under the south florida sky in this womnderful place called "the Florida key"We llok forward to doing this event again next year and want to send a special thanks to all those who traveled far to be with us ,Thanks Ron Geraci for coming down from Fort Pierce .

Albert and his big snapper

Later that night it's Joe once again hooked up at the same spot and witha similar sized lemon shark.Man these boys have got the luck of the Irish on there side .The shark makes a mad dash to the right and Joe runs to the opposite side to keep his line off the pilings .The battle is soon over with Joe and his quick feet staying three steps ahead of the shark.This would be the last shark of this event and we are just happy to have had such a good time regarless of whether we caught four sharks or fourteen .

Joe is hooked up again!!!!!! :o :o :D :D


SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger

Topic starter Posted : 10/18/2010 1:40 pm
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