the eel and the giant hammerhead that spooled the 14/0

It was in April some years ago the shark club had one it's sharkathon weekends on Long Key bridge.The shark club has an annual competition/getogether for an entire weekend during the month of April to to see who can catch the biggest shark and the biggest snapper and grouper.I was there with my then wife and our our kids.Most of the South Florida Shark Club members that were fishing that weekend on the bridge were spread out on there favorite spots.My brother Jorge and his sons were also on the bridge fishing next to us on the north end of bridge between telephone pole 9 and 10.The first night was uneventful for us the biggest shark that night was caught on the south side it was 7 and a half ft lemon shark caught on the incoming tide between the two bridges.The next morning the sun came up the tide was outgoing (towards the oceanside)the sun was beaming and the wife and kids were cranky from a night sleeping on a sleeping bag without ac.The kids were up early and fishing down the bridge from where we were camped out.AT about 11 in the morning i see my son Willi and my nephew Jorgey walking back towards our camp carrying something heavy between the both of them.They looked like two little ring bearers in a wedding walking side by side ,two little soldiers carrying something long and heavy that hung out of the sides of there arms,the tail on one end and the head on the other.They were having a great time giggling and horse playing like two kids in a playground -not a care in the world!!!I stared at them as they got closer wondering "what the hell are these two up to now".When i saw what it was i was instantly thinking "oh my God these two kids just brought me the best bait i could have".I remembered when i started using moray eels for bait on Bahia Honda bridge and how i got smoked on my 14/0 once using a moray for bait.No one had thought of using them for bait until i started using them on Bahia Honda with great results.So back to the story i ask the kids where they got it and they are playing with the dead eel like it,s a Tonka Toy.I take the 4 foot green Moray eel from them look around for a shark rod not in the water yet and put it on my brothers 14/0 with 25 feet of wire leader and two 14/0 Mustad hooks and float it out on a balloon .That eel looked like it was alive it had a wiggle that would surely attract a big shark.There was like two more hours left on the outgoing tide and the current was flowing nicely out towards the Atlantic.My then wife starts bitchin that she wants a hotel room to shower and take a nap,she's sweating, grimy and wants some comfort NOW!!!So i take her and the kids south on US 1 to get her a room,,,,,,,,
Now the story gets juicy.Some one on the bridge is looking at the water the moment a four foot fin comes out of the water just behind the wriggling eel,,they start screaming that " a huge hammerhead shark is on the eel bait"My brother who is down the bridge hears the commotion is running down to grab the rod since the reel is now screaming for mercy as the hammer has grabbed the bait and is taking off with it.By the time my brother gets to the rod the line is flying off the reel so when he throws the reel in gear the reel is still in spinning until the dog finnaly catches inside the reel and the brake engages .The reel is screaming going just as fast as when it was on clicker.The crowd around him is getting bigger watching my brother who has now sat on the ground the rod butt between his legs under his crotch ,the rod doubled like a U.Jorge starts to tighten down the drag because half the spool is gone allready and he is told it was a massive hammerhead shark that sucked in the eel and is now heading out and away towards the deep Atlantic.The giant heads for the blue and Jorge is getting a case of crushBalls as the shark rod is extremely bent and the shark is frying the big 14/0 spooled with Ande 125 lb test.Now that Jorge has increased the pressure the other shark club members are scrambling around him trying to figure out what to do,,,,but at this moment it's the angler alone with the shark on the end of the line.The guys around jorge are watching the water and again the huge 4 foot sickle shaped dorsal fin comes out of the water and the guys start shouting "it's a hammer look at the dorsal fin"My brother gets up off the ground and sees the fin ,sees that he is getting low on line and decides to lean the rod on the rail and tighten the 125 lb test to near breaking point.The shark slows down just a little but shows no true sign of stopping,,,,,,,the end is near and the realization once again that from land it's tough to stop one of these 1000 lb plus hammerheads.The line comes to the end and the reel is empty of line.Later that afternoon i walk back out on the bridge and i'm told of the big hammerhead and i look at the EMPTY reel and i see the look on my brthers face and it tells me volumes,,,,,and i am left with the feeling that i should of stayed and things would of been different ,,i would of what-JUmped in after the shark with rod in hand?,CRAZY THOUGHTS GO THROUGH MY HEAD-WHAT IF? Damm i gotta get that beast!!!!.That same year i decide to target a giant hammer from my boat and film the hunt. We get it done Rene and i catch the 531 lb Hammer from my boat "Shark Fever" beneath the lejendary old bridge Bahia Honda in Big Pine Key.Still trying for the 1000 pounder though.Any day now!
On the bridge loaded down withour gear.
The kids ready for the adventure of there life.
setting up base camp
waiting for nightfall ,fishing the incoming tide my buddy Guillermo and our golden retriever Sassy
Our revenge -small compared to the beast that stripped the 14/0 but still a good catch at 12 ft 7 inch 531 lbs
The article as it appeared in the Key noter newspaper.The newspaper made a mistake it was 12 ft 7 not 11 ft 7.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger

By the way the biggest shark caught that Weekend Sharkathon was Luis Iglesias with a close to 8 ft lemon shark.He took the pool money put up by each competitor and some nice prizes including a gold shark pendent.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
men i remember that was the biggest fin i ever seen on a hammer an Jorge 300 lbs himself could net stomp that train of a shark. we going after then big hammers still every year in April,May they trash us pretty bad on long key,sevem mile and year maybe one will have heart attack while on our line and we will finali show what we have been saying for years of 13-16 ft hammers on them bridges

Did someone ask about eels for shark bait?Read the above story.One of the best baits you can use from aFlorida keys bridge when the current is moving is a moray eel.It flutters and waves in the current and the hammers can't resist them.I turned Rene on to this trick and thereafter the south beach crew started using them frequently.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
that was a great story and a pretty hammerhead
Looking for the big one
Will i was there and remmber the ass kicking thet he got.
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