Rene,JD and the boys in March and April --the way it was!!

March and April have traditionally been months to catch big sharks and months when anything could happen on a Florida keys bridge' or on a boat.
Big baits meant big sharks and back in the day we would catch the big tarpon to entice BIG HAMMERS.
We don't fish this way anymore but it's part of how things were done.Dead sharks are a thing of the past we now do catch and release and encourage everyone that catches sharks to get involved in NMFS Cooperative shark tagging program .We promote respect,tolerance and harmony among shark fisherman but these pictures are part of shark club history and we will tell the stories and show the pictures of "the way it was".
In March and April it's on!!!!Good luck on the monsters.
Rene and his daughter Erica getting some hands on training
Erica with another daddy caught bull-(circa 1990's)
Rene and Kevin Pagan aka "tarbaby"
Rene and one of his many catches from Mollases reef excursions(Key Largo)
Rene at Mollases on Ernie Blanco's old battle ax boat
Mollases reef Rene caught hammer -198o's
Rene and the boys with a nice hammer at gaff-1988-
Rene on the Islamorada charter boat "Kalex" with Miami Beach high school friend Capt Alex Adler
Rene,JD,Nelson and Carlos on Bahia Honda bridge (1983)
Rene and Seaweed and baby Erica
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
Nice pictures!!! IM So ready for NExt week through june!!!
SFSC -East Coast Events Coordinator
love the old school pics, keep em comin'! great catches..but Will, in the pic entitled "Erica with another daddy caught bull-(circa 1990's)" i am not sure but isn't that a dusky? the pec fins look so long and skinny, and the dorsal looks a lil different it looks duller and smaller than a bull..if so, you said you were lookin' for big dusky pics so now you found one
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
John 11:26 KJB 1611 AV
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