MONSTROUS HAMMER attacks a Nurse shark on a bridge (video)

Thanks to Varune and Shawn for this one of kind video shot recently and brought to you exclusively on this site.
WOW!!Is all I can say watching this 13 to 14 foot hammer attack a Nurse ,,,,time to spool two 16/0's with 300 lb test and tie both to one Super rig with a live cuda or ray then just hang on for the runaway train ride.In the current ,between the poles and with the power behind those giant T heads GOOD LUCK to those who think they will get a shot.IT CAN BE DONE -- it was done in 1969 when Robert Mostler fought for 3 hours and caught a 1007 hammer at 3 mile bridge (Florida keys)using a 12/0 packed to the brim with 130 lb test line ,, but then again in 69 there were no power poles and very few lobster traps to contend with.
story by 'sharkhunta(Shawn)
"My cousin fresh off his fishing hiatus, catching that 8’9 bull earlier in March gave him the SHARK FEVER!!! That Sunday mourning around 11 I get a call from him to go fishing, still at work I told him I would go as soon as I get out … so right after work I head home grab the equipment and he picks me up and to the Keys we are headed. Get down there to our sting ray spot trying to snag them but they are no where to be found, and with the sun going down and we don’t have any equipment for the night we make a last minute effort for bait at the docks were we get a 15lb cuda. So we walk up the bridge and start to set up, with a couple of people around us. So as we are tying our rigs, we hear a splash and the lady next to us screams look at the size of that shark, like she had just saw a ghost, I look over and I see an eagle ray and thought to myself maybe it came close to the surface and the wing stuck out and looked like a shark. A few seconds later she comes over to tell us about the size of the shark and how our reels would not be able to catch it, nodding my head with a smile on my face thinking there is no way there is a shark down there that I wouldn’t be able to stop. We start to float our baits out and we realize that the tide was slacking, and I look to my cousin and tell him I bet on of us gets nailed while floating out; my bait got stuck in front of the piling and was taking forever to go out, so I reeled it up and start to float out again … looking down at my reel not paying much attention I hear my cousin yell IT’S A HAMMER!!! I look up and in-between our two baits you could see the fin closing in, the shark comes in and head straight for my cousins cuda head, I was just about to say he’s gonna pick you up when it made a sharp u-turn comes in and picks up my tail … the hammer banks to the right and I get tangled in my cousin bait, we are quick to untangle and I keep letting it go out even though it had already inhaled the bait on the initial pick up, as soon as it get outside the piling I locked up and nailed, it pulled off about 50 yards of line and then the hooks pulled … with all the excitement we drew a crowd around us, so I look to my cousin and go its your turn … so he starts to float out his head again, and I am not sure what the reason was but he turn his head back and then all of a sudden something was pulling line fast, so he looks over and he has a 7-8 ft nurse on the end of his 14/0, as soon as it was hooked it did dead rolls and wrapped up his wire, so we took the time and let the nurse untangle itself, and then realized we lost our last chance at the hammer … determined at another opportunity we came up with the idea of gaffing the cuda head and pulling it up … so struggling to hit the cuda with out doing any harm to the nurse time start to go back and my cousins like if I take any longer the hammer is going to eat the nurse, I look at him and smile and go yeah right … within about 20 seconds we see the fin again and its coming right at us , and starts to do circles around the nurse …. I had my phone in my pocket and my cousin is yelling at me to record it so I pull out my phone, and that’s when the action picked up … I guess the hammer liked the spotlight because as soon as I started to record he came in and pick up the nurse by the tail, and start to dragging it out … we were excited … it came back to pick up the nurse several times … with all the excitement we didn’t realize the sun was setting and we didn’t have any lights on us, so we decided to call it a night , as we are fixing things to walk back to the car we notice a charter boat under us tarpon fishing, the captain told us there are several of them around and that he ran over a larger black hammer a few days before , so as we walk down the bridge I thought to myself wow that lady was right our reels didn’t stand a chance against that shark off a bridge ".
THE VIDEO ... EO0010.mp4
BIGGEST HAMMERS -including Robert Mostler's here's a link
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
Wow, I wouldn't have believed it unless I saw that video. That shows to all that the TRUE MONSTER SHARKS go after MONSTER BAITS!!!!!
holy cow. what bridge was that?
Eddie C.
Team BullBuster
Check out the new BullBuster website, opening JUNE
wow!!!!! that thing was big
2011 NO LIMIT TOURNAMENT CHAMPION 2nd year in a row
2010 BHC biggest hammerhead shark on 80 lb test
2010 BHC 3rd and 5th place biggest shark
2010 april sharker of the month
2009-2010 Rookie of the year
wow is that a HUGE hammer!
Big Hammer - Just to stir the pot..... I would always cut the line when Tarpon or bone fishing and a shark was chasing it down. Hey.... I guess a Nurse does not get the same respect as a Silver King
I've always had a big question mark when i caught a 3 or 4ft nurse
Just an average fisherman.
Dssh305 Most Sharks caught for 2011
Dssh305 Most Sharks caught for 2012
Dssh305 Most sharks caught for 2013
Dssh305 Most sharks caught for 2014
2014 second place biggest shark 11'-2" Hammer Head
how did i know u were going to say that
2011 NO LIMIT TOURNAMENT CHAMPION 2nd year in a row
2010 BHC biggest hammerhead shark on 80 lb test
2010 BHC 3rd and 5th place biggest shark
2010 april sharker of the month
2009-2010 Rookie of the year
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