[Sticky] Anglins Fishing Pier 12' 8" Hammerhead Shark(April 2014)
Veli was fishing on the Anglins Pier and he spotted a big hammerhead doing circles over the sandbar just under the middle house. This hammer had been seen multiple times in the area over the last week. He quickly grabbed a few mackerel and started throwing chunks into the water. He took one and butterflied it and casted it out on his Avet 50w. The hammer made a few circles on the bottom and then the bait disappeared. Like a vacuum cleaner he sucked it up off the bottom and started to swim south. Veli set up on this Hammerhead on Monday morning around 11:30. He fought the fish for 45 minutes to an hour. I got a call around 12 pm and rushed down to the pier to help him pull the hammer in and get a good quick release. We only had a measuring tape that was 12 feet long and he was about 8 inches longer than the tape by the looks of it. Below you will see pictures as well as a link to the video I uploaded and the story CBS4 ran on the catch. Veli did a great job reeling the shark in quickly so she would have a strong healthy release.
Thanks for watching!
Youtube Video:
... ture=share
News Story: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/videogaller ... ht-of-LBTS
Friend of mine posted a pic that someone tweeted from the pier, while I was stuck in the office! it was torture.
Great catch!
Here fishy fishy fishy.....
Catch a fish or catch a buzz!
Well done! Awesome catch and release. You had one hell of an audience on that one.
Good work on that nice fish guys
Just an average fisherman.
Good Job Man! Very Nice Hammer!
Nice T-head and great work with you,yourself and Mr 50w,no belt(ouch).Also great job at the beach with release guys..........Dave
great job u guys! congrats
"It's all about the presentation"
great catch guys!
Great release, great shark, great story and great video. Thx for posting.
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Great catch Ryan and Veli! The video is awesome!
"He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life: but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction" (Proverbs 13:3).
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That was a CLASSIC PIER CATCH ,kinda reminds me of the old days on the south beach pier ,a full crowd on hand to cheer the fishermen on,crystal clear water,and the best part was a successful release.We're proud of the work Mike did in getting involved,diving right in to quickly subdue the shark while all the Scared Tourist bugged eyed and scared would not get close to it.The anglers on this site have learned a great deal and they use there knowledge no matter where they are and this catch proves it in the actions of Mike Bolash.Thanks buddy.
ps.....great work on the video Mike
ps.....gave it a much deserved sticky
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
My wife and I had just arrived for our honeymoon that day and we had just walked down to the beach when we seen the huge crowd. By the time I got through all the people I could hear Ryan asking for help to pull it back in the water, I'm the one with the book-bag who ran up to help with the release at the end. Was awesome to see a shark that big in person and I hope to catch one that big some day as well. I felt lucky just to be able to see the beast and help let it go haha, sweet memory for sure. Congrats again to the guy who caught it!

My wife and I had just arrived for our honeymoon that day and we had just walked down to the beach when we seen the huge crowd. By the time I got through all the people I could hear Ryan asking for help to pull it back in the water, I'm the one with the book-bag who ran up to help with the release at the end. Was awesome to see a shark that big in person and I hope to catch one that big some day as well. I felt lucky just to be able to see the beast and help let it go haha, sweet memory for sure. Congrats again to the guy who caught it!
WOW!!! You don't know how lucky you were top see a huge hammer like that caught just at thge precise moment you were on that beqach,,,,,,the stars lined up for you on that day.Great work on helping with the release,,,,,I was wondering who that was at the end of the video .
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
Congrats fellas!!!
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