Record Fl West Coast Tiger 13- 13 ft 6 inch??
I read a little closer where ya said ya measured it. Pics is hard to tell from and it's a bigun. Could have been 13'6". Wasn't trying to dispute ya measurements. The ILSFA requires a picture of the total length and the girth. It also has to be released to qualify. A fork measurement and girth is more important than a total length due to how the weight formula is done. Girth X Girth X Fork length / 800 = estimated weight. If a old fish has it's tail cut off the fork measurement doesn't lie. But pretty much ya gotta get tournament style pics. Or a video. Congratulations again.
Land Based World Record #5 short fin Mako 700lbs
Land Based World Record #8 Tiger shark 928lbs
Land Based World Record #9 Tiger shark 949lbs
SFSC Panhandle Events Coordinator
Thanks....I didn't title the post, it was done by an administrator on the site.
Giant tigers are the reason I shark fish and this one is definitely a giant. Congrats on a dream catch.
Personally I could care less about the exact measurements. It's a Huge Tiger and a Great Catch. A Big Congratulations!!!
Ps - it's really a shame what has become of shark fishing. Everyone is always asking for the exact measurements and what not on every big fish caught. Who cares wether it's 11ft or 13ft. It's a great catch either way.
I thought I posted on this. When I look at those pictures I cant take my eyes off from them. That shark looks 13 foot 6 for sure. Its Absolutely enormous. To think it is a juvenile and has some fattening and growing to do is just wild. Did you get to tag it? Fantastic Catch. Most people never will catch a shark like that in a life-time. Hopefully I will but only time will tell. I hope you got a pic on your wall of that shark. What an excellent conversation piece, and every time you look at it the photo will take you to a home away from home. Great Job.
I've gotta agree with Picura. What the tape says don't matter to the true fisherman. The true fisherman does not need a record book nor a tournament to make him want to fish. All the record stuff is bogus!! Wether it be IGFA or ILSFA or DILIGARA. Rules makes them that way. LOL. Bogus!!! And tournaments are worse! Best thing bout the tape, it shuts em up quick. The reason I measure is for tagging purposes. Not for records or tournaments.
Land Based World Record #5 short fin Mako 700lbs
Land Based World Record #8 Tiger shark 928lbs
Land Based World Record #9 Tiger shark 949lbs
SFSC Panhandle Events Coordinator

I politely disagree and this is why=The measuring tape is not ESSENTIAL to the "true fishermen" but it is IMPORTANT to the HARDCORE shark fishermen that wants to push themselves to new heights where few have gone.Folks the MEASURING TAPE IS OUR FRIEND!!! I never got into a fight with a measuring tape i kinda like em vs a scale like we used to do back in the day.The measuring tape is the evolution of fishing in General and in more ways then one.Even the IGFA which used to use Weight as the standard for records is switching to measurements with many of the threatened species.I believe that inside all of us there is a measure of competition ingrained in our DNA .How do we gauge our ourselves in shark fishing if it were not for overall size,fork length,girth ,,,pick your standard I respect and value them all-no disagreement there. If big sharks were not important we would all be chasing Blacktips and Nurse sharks,,,,,it ai'nt so buddy!!Every rough and tumble true blue shark fishermen that I know wants to catch a Monster and wants to put a tape to it to have bragging rights to a big stud shark.Maybe i'm a nut or maybe I'm not,I like knowing the size so I can push myself harder.Knowledge of shark sizes and how hard they fight is valueble to me ,so to know how hard a 12 foot hammer pulls compared to a 13 ft 6 inch i'll keep measuring mine and thankful that the slaughter (weighing sharks)that used to be has evolved to a more civilized humane way of gauging our catches.Thanks to all for the valueble input on this topic.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
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