New here
Hey Everyone, My names Mat, Im from Canada. I'm new here and pretty new to shark fishing. Here's a little history on me.
3 Years ago my family took a trip to Myrtle beach. Leading up to that I joined a local fishing forum to ask for some ideas on fishing. Growing up I was always fascinated with sharks and always wanted to catch one, then I found out it can be done from the beach and that's when this addiction took off. I bought some decent sized spinning gear and went out and caught a couple small sharks. Spent a day with a local learning a bunch of tricks of the trade but the surf was really rough and we didn't catch anything.
Earlier this year we took a trip just to shark fish pawleys island, I bought a new bigger spinning setup (didn't have a kayak), the week before we left was awesome. lots of sharks being caught. when we got down there a cold front came in and we didn't have much luck. Had one big run but the line popped on about 20lbs of drag (assuming it hit a shell or something)
So, Now I'm completely hooked. I bought a Penn 12/0 Last week and had some upgrades done to it, I Booked a beach house in Avon NC for spring 2018 in hopes to participate in the BHC this forum Puts on. I have no intentions of winning (I would really just like to hook into a couple nice sharks), But as I do with car shows, I like to participate to help the scene and to be a part of it.
Anyways, That's my story, Been browsing this site for a while and I'm really enjoying it so far. I look forward to maybe meeting some of you on the beach and learning a thing or two.
Welcome! I can't make out if you are living in Canada and take trips to shark fish or have since moved to the US. In any case, welcome to the forum. I live in south Florida and the action is picking up rapidly here. Nice intro. Best of luck to you!
I live in canada and travel down once a year.
Wish i could do it more, or move there, but its not as easy as just deciding to do so...hahahaha
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