130 mono knots or crimps ???
I always use a "nail knot". Kinda tough with heavier line but that's why I use the rail or other solid object to cinch it completely down.
i thought the nail knot was a line to line knot
LOL, guess I don't even know what knot I tie I tie a noose with 5 or 6 wraps. Loop portion through the eyelet of my swivel or hook. Iv'e always called it a nail knot because I wrap the line around my thumb nail Kinda like a Uni or Duncan. http://www.animatedknots.com/duncan/ind ... dknots.com
Go big Or go home!
Sandrayusmc.... nice knot site, thats pretty cool.
-----------Just another opinion. FISH ON!!!----------
spangler knot...never had it slip and have used it on line up to 200 fluro.
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