Are land-based shark fishermen getting close to catching the elusive 15 foot hammerhead shark.From the way things have been going in 2014 with several huge hammers over 13 and 14 foot caught around Florida's beaches it seems a real possibility that someone may catch a 15 foot hammerhead in the near future.Now more then ever in the past ,equipment used to fish for these most powerful sharks has improved making it very likely that some hardcore land-based shark fishermen will make this a reality. Here are some pictures of recently caught MONSTER HAMMERHEAD SHARKS.
Peter Buban's Blacktip Challenge Shark Tournament winning 13 ft 9 inch Hammerhead Shark.
Peter Buban(right wearing white shirt)releases the close to 14 foot hammerhead he caught on a Shimano Tiagra 130
Earnie Polks tail cut off 13 ft 6 inch hammer witha 7 ft 8 inch girth estmated at 1480 pounds
Andrew Herzog's 13 ft 7 inch Dorsal fin cut Hammerhead shark
Veli caught this 12 ft 8 inch Hammerhead shark at Anglins pier in Ft Lauderdale using an Avet 50
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
"It's all about the presentation"
What a year!
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Jack slayer
and its not even half over! Plenty of time left!
All I hear is Gawd sayin "Keep puttin ur time in baby boy I'll get u dere"
"Dear Lord, be good to me your sharks are so big and I am so small"
"If u roll wit us for a day u either gon experience y we do wat we do or y so few of us do it! Its gon be dat great or dat terrible!
I used to see real big Hammerhead sharks (12-15 feet) at Bahia Honda bridge (Florida Keys)while fishing from the top of that bridge before the ends were cut off in 1985 ,,,,,,,,,,,but never saw an 18 or 20 foot hammer.Rene and few other guys said they seen Old Mo but I personally never did .Then again we did'nt need to see him every couple of months we were having 14/0's stripped to the knot and that was not Old Mo then what was Old Mo capable of.A typical 14 or 14 1/2 foot shark weighing 1000 lbs or more can spool you in that vicious current in under 6 minuites so anything bigger you better be on a boat and ready to chase it or it's nearly impossible to do.I personally believe mst of it is mythology and believe that there have been extra large hammers (15-18 feet)in the keys bridges and on the west coast but they are far and few between,,,,,,,most of the giants range from 13 to 15 feet and on the upper end it's enough to break the current record of 1280 lbs; it's just a matter of time and wanting it bad enough.Captain Randy Rodes spent more time then anyone else fishing for tarpon in between the Bahia Honda bridges and what he says carries alot of weight from first hand expierience but i say people love to exagerate.When i see the first 18 footer brought to a scale then I will believe more of those Old Mo and Old Hitler stories but for know I'm content to chase the standard 13 to 15 footers that have destroyed us on so many occasions .
An almost 14 foot hammerhead
A 13 footer attacked by a huge Tiger shark boatside
At the high end of the size scale this hammer is one of the biggest ever
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
those are some nice hammers
hey !!!!!!!!!! is there anyway we can throw in slasherx "14.2 hammer ? i would like to see how it stands up in this.
N Carolina
When Mark Resto caught his 14 ft 2 inch Hammerhead two years ago the only one of the few pictures taken do a huge shark of that magnitude justice. Most of the pics were substandard but props to Mark on a catch of a lifetime.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
Seen this on FB the other day.
Link to the story: http://berserkerrods.com/fishing-reports/tale-of-13-hammer/
K !!
nice thread
N Carolina
incredible sharks guys! congrats to all!
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